Source code for sparse.numba_backend._compressed.compressed

import copy as _copy
import operator
from import Iterable
from functools import reduce
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.mixins import NDArrayOperatorsMixin

from .._coo.common import linear_loc
from .._coo.core import COO
from .._sparse_array import SparseArray
from .._utils import (
from .convert import _1d_reshape, _transpose, uncompress_dimension
from .indexing import getitem

def _from_coo(x, compressed_axes=None, idx_dtype=None):
    if x.ndim == 0:
        if compressed_axes is not None:
            raise ValueError("no axes to compress for 0d array")
        return ((, x.coords, []), x.shape, None, x.fill_value)

    if x.ndim == 1:
        if compressed_axes is not None:
            raise ValueError("no axes to compress for 1d array")
        return ((, x.coords[0], ()), x.shape, None, x.fill_value)

    compressed_axes = normalize_axis(compressed_axes, x.ndim)
    if compressed_axes is None:
        # defaults to best compression ratio
        compressed_axes = (np.argmin(x.shape),)

    check_compressed_axes(x.shape, compressed_axes)

    axis_order = list(compressed_axes)
    # array location where the uncompressed dimensions start
    axisptr = len(compressed_axes)
    axis_order.extend(np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(x.shape)), compressed_axes))
    reordered_shape = tuple(x.shape[i] for i in axis_order)
    row_size =[:axisptr])
    col_size =[axisptr:])
    compressed_shape = (row_size, col_size)
    shape = x.shape

    if idx_dtype and not can_store(idx_dtype, max(max(compressed_shape), x.nnz)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"cannot store array with the compressed shape {compressed_shape} and nnz {x.nnz} with dtype {idx_dtype}."

    if not idx_dtype:
        idx_dtype = x.coords.dtype
        if not can_store(idx_dtype, max(max(compressed_shape), x.nnz)):
            idx_dtype = np.min_scalar_type(max(max(compressed_shape), x.nnz))

    # transpose axes, linearize, reshape, and compress
    linear = linear_loc(x.coords[axis_order], reordered_shape)
    order = np.argsort(linear)
    linear = linear[order]
    coords = np.empty((2, x.nnz), dtype=idx_dtype)
    strides = 1
    for i, d in enumerate(compressed_shape[::-1]):
        coords[-(i + 1), :] = (linear // strides) % d
        strides *= d
    indptr = np.empty(row_size + 1, dtype=idx_dtype)
    indptr[0] = 0
    np.cumsum(np.bincount(coords[0], minlength=row_size), out=indptr[1:])
    indices = coords[1]
    data =[order]
    return ((data, indices, indptr), shape, compressed_axes, x.fill_value)

[docs] class GCXS(SparseArray, NDArrayOperatorsMixin): """ A sparse multidimensional array. This is stored in GCXS format, a generalization of the GCRS/GCCS formats from 'Efficient storage scheme for n-dimensional sparse array: GCRS/GCCS': GCXS generalizes the CRS/CCS sparse matrix formats. For arrays with ndim == 2, GCXS is the same CSR/CSC. For arrays with ndim >2, any combination of axes can be compressed, significantly reducing storage. GCXS consists of 3 arrays. Let the 3 arrays be RO, CO and VL. The first element of array RO is the integer 0 and later elements are the number of cumulative non-zero elements in each row for GCRS, column for GCCS. CO stores column indexes of non-zero elements at each row for GCRS, column for GCCS. VL stores the values of the non-zero array elements. The superiority of the GCRS/GCCS over traditional (CRS/CCS) is shown by both theoretical analysis and experimental results, outlined in the linked research paper. Parameters ---------- arg : tuple (data, indices, indptr) A tuple of arrays holding the data, indices, and index pointers for the nonzero values of the array. shape : tuple[int] (COO.ndim,) The shape of the array. compressed_axes : Iterable[int] The axes to compress. prune : bool, optional A flag indicating whether or not we should prune any fill-values present in the data array. fill_value: scalar, optional The fill value for this array. Attributes ---------- data : numpy.ndarray (nnz,) An array holding the nonzero values corresponding to :obj:`GCXS.indices`. indices : numpy.ndarray (nnz,) An array holding the coordinates of every nonzero element along uncompressed dimensions. indptr : numpy.ndarray An array holding the cumulative sums of the nonzeros along the compressed dimensions. shape : tuple[int] (ndim,) The dimensions of this array. See Also -------- DOK : A mostly write-only sparse array. """ __array_priority__ = 12
[docs] def __init__( self, arg, shape=None, compressed_axes=None, prune=False, fill_value=0, idx_dtype=None, ): from .._common import _is_scipy_sparse_obj if _is_scipy_sparse_obj(arg): arg = self.from_scipy_sparse(arg) if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray): (arg, shape, compressed_axes, fill_value) = _from_coo(COO(arg), compressed_axes) elif isinstance(arg, COO): (arg, shape, compressed_axes, fill_value) = _from_coo(arg, compressed_axes, idx_dtype) elif isinstance(arg, GCXS): if compressed_axes is not None and arg.compressed_axes != compressed_axes: arg = arg.change_compressed_axes(compressed_axes) (arg, shape, compressed_axes, fill_value) = ( (, arg.indices, arg.indptr), arg.shape, arg.compressed_axes, arg.fill_value, ) if shape is None: raise ValueError("missing `shape` argument") check_compressed_axes(len(shape), compressed_axes) if len(shape) == 1: compressed_axes = None, self.indices, self.indptr = arg if != 1: raise ValueError("data must be a scalar or 1-dimensional.") self.shape = shape self._compressed_axes = tuple(compressed_axes) if isinstance(compressed_axes, Iterable) else None self.fill_value = fill_value if prune: self._prune()
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True): """Return a copy of the array. Parameters ---------- deep : boolean, optional If True (default), the internal coords and data arrays are also copied. Set to ``False`` to only make a shallow copy. """ return _copy.deepcopy(self) if deep else _copy.copy(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_numpy(cls, x, compressed_axes=None, fill_value=0, idx_dtype=None): coo = COO.from_numpy(x, fill_value=fill_value, idx_dtype=idx_dtype) return cls.from_coo(coo, compressed_axes, idx_dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def from_coo(cls, x, compressed_axes=None, idx_dtype=None): (arg, shape, compressed_axes, fill_value) = _from_coo(x, compressed_axes, idx_dtype) return cls(arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=fill_value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_scipy_sparse(cls, x): if x.format == "csc": return cls((, x.indices, x.indptr), shape=x.shape, compressed_axes=(1,)) x = x.asformat("csr") return cls((, x.indices, x.indptr), shape=x.shape, compressed_axes=(0,))
[docs] @classmethod def from_iter(cls, x, shape=None, compressed_axes=None, fill_value=None, idx_dtype=None): return cls.from_coo( COO.from_iter(x, shape, fill_value), compressed_axes, idx_dtype, )
@property def dtype(self): """ The datatype of this array. Returns ------- numpy.dtype The datatype of this array. See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.dtype : Numpy equivalent property. scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.dtype : Scipy equivalent property. """ return @property def nnz(self): """ The number of nonzero elements in this array. Returns ------- int The number of nonzero elements in this array. See Also -------- COO.nnz : Equivalent :obj:`COO` array property. DOK.nnz : Equivalent :obj:`DOK` array property. numpy.count_nonzero : A similar Numpy function. scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.nnz : The Scipy equivalent property. """ return[0] @property def format(self): """ The storage format of this array. Returns ------- str The storage format of this array. See Also ------- scipy.sparse.dok_matrix.format : The Scipy equivalent property. Examples ------- >>> import sparse >>> s = sparse.random((5, 5), density=0.2, format="dok") >>> s.format 'dok' >>> t = sparse.random((5, 5), density=0.2, format="coo") >>> t.format 'coo' """ return "gcxs" @property def nbytes(self): """ The number of bytes taken up by this object. Note that for small arrays, this may undercount the number of bytes due to the large constant overhead. Returns ------- int The approximate bytes of memory taken by this object. See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.nbytes : The equivalent Numpy property. """ return + self.indices.nbytes + self.indptr.nbytes @property def _axis_order(self): axis_order = list(self.compressed_axes) axis_order.extend(np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(self.shape)), self.compressed_axes)) return axis_order @property def _axisptr(self): # array location where the uncompressed dimensions start return len(self.compressed_axes) @property def _compressed_shape(self): row_size =[: self._axisptr]) col_size =[self._axisptr :]) return (row_size, col_size) @property def _reordered_shape(self): return tuple(self.shape[i] for i in self._axis_order) @property def T(self): return self.transpose() def __str__(self): summary = ( f"<GCXS: shape={self.shape}, dtype={self.dtype}, nnz={self.nnz}, fill_value={self.fill_value}, " f"compressed_axes={self.compressed_axes}>" ) return self._str_impl(summary) __repr__ = __str__ __getitem__ = getitem def _reduce_calc(self, method, axis, keepdims=False, **kwargs): if axis[0] is None or np.array_equal(axis, np.arange(self.ndim, dtype=np.intp)): x = self.flatten().tocoo() out = x.reduce(method, axis=None, keepdims=keepdims, **kwargs) if keepdims: return (out.reshape(np.ones(self.ndim, dtype=np.intp)),) return (out,) r = np.arange(self.ndim, dtype=np.intp) compressed_axes = [a for a in r if a not in set(axis)] x = self.change_compressed_axes(compressed_axes) idx = np.diff(x.indptr) != 0 indptr = x.indptr[:-1][idx] indices = (np.arange(x._compressed_shape[0], dtype=self.indptr.dtype))[idx] data = method.reduceat(, indptr, **kwargs) counts = x.indptr[1:][idx] - x.indptr[:-1][idx] arr_attrs = (x, compressed_axes, indices) n_cols = x._compressed_shape[1] return (data, counts, axis, n_cols, arr_attrs) def _reduce_return(self, data, arr_attrs, result_fill_value): x, compressed_axes, indices = arr_attrs # prune data mask = ~equivalent(data, result_fill_value) data = data[mask] indices = indices[mask] out = GCXS( (data, indices, []), shape=(x._compressed_shape[0],), fill_value=result_fill_value, compressed_axes=None, ) return out.reshape(tuple(self.shape[d] for d in compressed_axes))
[docs] def change_compressed_axes(self, new_compressed_axes): """ Returns a new array with specified compressed axes. This operation is similar to converting a scipy.sparse.csc_matrix to a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix. Returns ------- GCXS A new instance of the input array with compression along the specified dimensions. """ if new_compressed_axes == self.compressed_axes: return self if self.ndim == 1: raise NotImplementedError("no axes to compress for 1d array") new_compressed_axes = tuple( normalize_axis(new_compressed_axes[i], self.ndim) for i in range(len(new_compressed_axes)) ) if new_compressed_axes == self.compressed_axes: return self if len(new_compressed_axes) >= len(self.shape): raise ValueError("cannot compress all axes") if len(set(new_compressed_axes)) != len(new_compressed_axes): raise ValueError("repeated axis in compressed_axes") arg = _transpose(self, self.shape, np.arange(self.ndim), new_compressed_axes) return GCXS( arg, shape=self.shape, compressed_axes=new_compressed_axes, fill_value=self.fill_value, )
[docs] def tocoo(self): """ Convert this :obj:`GCXS` array to a :obj:`COO`. Returns ------- sparse.COO The converted COO array. """ if self.ndim == 0: return COO( np.array([]),, shape=self.shape, fill_value=self.fill_value, ) if self.ndim == 1: return COO( self.indices[None, :],, shape=self.shape, fill_value=self.fill_value, ) uncompressed = uncompress_dimension(self.indptr) coords = np.vstack((uncompressed, self.indices)) order = np.argsort(self._axis_order) return ( COO( coords,, shape=self._compressed_shape, fill_value=self.fill_value, ) .reshape(self._reordered_shape) .transpose(order) )
[docs] def todense(self): """ Convert this :obj:`GCXS` array to a dense :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. Note that this may take a large amount of memory if the :obj:`GCXS` object's :code:`shape` is large. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The converted dense array. See Also -------- DOK.todense : Equivalent :obj:`DOK` array method. COO.todense : Equivalent :obj:`COO` array method. scipy.sparse.coo_matrix.todense : Equivalent Scipy method. """ if self.compressed_axes is None: out = np.full(self.shape, self.fill_value, self.dtype) if len(self.indices) != 0: out[self.indices] = else: if len( != 0: out[()] =[0] return out return self.tocoo().todense()
[docs] def todok(self): from .. import DOK return DOK.from_coo(self.tocoo()) # probably a temporary solution
[docs] def to_scipy_sparse(self): """ Converts this :obj:`GCXS` object into a :obj:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` or `scipy.sparse.csc_matrix`. Returns ------- :obj:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` or `scipy.sparse.csc_matrix` The converted Scipy sparse matrix. Raises ------ ValueError If the array is not two-dimensional. ValueError If all the array doesn't zero fill-values. """ import scipy.sparse check_zero_fill_value(self) if self.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Can only convert a 2-dimensional array to a Scipy sparse matrix.") if 0 in self.compressed_axes: return scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=self.shape) return scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=self.shape)
[docs] def asformat(self, format, **kwargs): """ Convert this sparse array to a given format. Parameters ---------- format : str A format string. Returns ------- out : SparseArray The converted array. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the format isn't supported. """ from .._utils import convert_format format = convert_format(format) ret = None if format == "coo": ret = self.tocoo() elif format == "dok": ret = self.todok() elif format == "csr": ret = CSR(self) elif format == "csc": ret = CSC(self) elif format == "gcxs": compressed_axes = kwargs.pop("compressed_axes", self.compressed_axes) return self.change_compressed_axes(compressed_axes) if len(kwargs) != 0: raise TypeError(f"Invalid keyword arguments provided: {kwargs}") if ret is None: raise NotImplementedError(f"The given format is not supported: {format}") return ret
[docs] def maybe_densify(self, max_size=1000, min_density=0.25): """ Converts this :obj:`GCXS` array to a :obj:`numpy.ndarray` if not too costly. Parameters ---------- max_size : int Maximum number of elements in output min_density : float Minimum density of output Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The dense array. See Also -------- sparse.GCXS.todense: Converts to Numpy function without checking the cost. sparse.COO.maybe_densify: The equivalent COO function. Raises ------- ValueError If the returned array would be too large. """ if self.size > max_size and self.density < min_density: raise ValueError("Operation would require converting large sparse array to dense") return self.todense()
[docs] def flatten(self, order="C"): """ Returns a new :obj:`GCXS` array that is a flattened version of this array. Returns ------- GCXS The flattened output array. Notes ----- The :code:`order` parameter is provided just for compatibility with Numpy and isn't actually supported. """ if order not in {"C", None}: raise NotImplementedError("The `order` parameter is not supported.") return self.reshape(-1)
[docs] def reshape(self, shape, order="C", compressed_axes=None): """ Returns a new :obj:`GCXS` array that is a reshaped version of this array. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple[int] The desired shape of the output array. compressed_axes : Iterable[int], optional The axes to compress to store the array. Finds the most efficient storage by default. Returns ------- GCXS The reshaped output array. See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.reshape : The equivalent Numpy function. sparse.COO.reshape : The equivalent COO function. Notes ----- The :code:`order` parameter is provided just for compatibility with Numpy and isn't actually supported. """ shape = tuple(shape) if isinstance(shape, Iterable) else (shape,) if order not in {"C", None}: raise NotImplementedError("The 'order' parameter is not supported") if any(d == -1 for d in shape): extra = int(self.size /[d for d in shape if d != -1])) shape = tuple([d if d != -1 else extra for d in shape]) if self.shape == shape: return self if self.size != reduce(operator.mul, shape, 1): raise ValueError(f"cannot reshape array of size {self.size} into shape {shape}") if len(shape) == 0: return self.tocoo().reshape(shape).asformat("gcxs") if compressed_axes is None: if len(shape) == self.ndim: compressed_axes = self.compressed_axes elif len(shape) == 1: compressed_axes = None else: compressed_axes = (np.argmin(shape),) if self.ndim == 1: arg = _1d_reshape(self, shape, compressed_axes) else: arg = _transpose(self, shape, np.arange(self.ndim), compressed_axes) return GCXS( arg, shape=tuple(shape), compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=self.fill_value, )
@property def compressed_axes(self): return self._compressed_axes
[docs] def transpose(self, axes=None, compressed_axes=None): """ Returns a new array which has the order of the axes switched. Parameters ---------- axes : Iterable[int], optional The new order of the axes compared to the previous one. Reverses the axes by default. compressed_axes : Iterable[int], optional The axes to compress to store the array. Finds the most efficient storage by default. Returns ------- GCXS The new array with the axes in the desired order. See Also -------- :obj:`GCXS.T` : A quick property to reverse the order of the axes. numpy.ndarray.transpose : Numpy equivalent function. """ if axes is None: axes = list(reversed(range(self.ndim))) # Normalize all axes indices to positive values axes = normalize_axis(axes, self.ndim) if len(np.unique(axes)) < len(axes): raise ValueError("repeated axis in transpose") if not len(axes) == self.ndim: raise ValueError("axes don't match array") axes = tuple(axes) if axes == tuple(range(self.ndim)): return self if self.ndim == 2: return self._2d_transpose() shape = tuple(self.shape[ax] for ax in axes) if compressed_axes is None: compressed_axes = (np.argmin(shape),) arg = _transpose(self, shape, axes, compressed_axes, transpose=True) return GCXS( arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=self.fill_value, )
def _2d_transpose(self): """ A function for performing constant-time transposes on 2d GCXS arrays. Returns ------- GCXS The new transposed array with the opposite compressed axes as the input. See Also -------- scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.transpose : Scipy equivalent function. scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.transpose : Scipy equivalent function. numpy.ndarray.transpose : Numpy equivalent function. """ if self.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"cannot perform 2d transpose on array with dimension {self.ndim}") compressed_axes = [(self.compressed_axes[0] + 1) % 2] shape = self.shape[::-1] return GCXS( (, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=self.fill_value, )
[docs] def dot(self, other): """ Performs the equivalent of :code:`` for :obj:`GCXS`. Parameters ---------- other : Union[GCXS, COO, numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix] The second operand of the dot product operation. Returns ------- {GCXS, numpy.ndarray} The result of the dot product. If the result turns out to be dense, then a dense array is returned, otherwise, a sparse array. Raises ------ ValueError If all arguments don't have zero fill-values. See Also -------- dot : Equivalent function for two arguments. :obj:`` : Numpy equivalent function. : Scipy equivalent function. """ from .._common import dot return dot(self, other)
def __matmul__(self, other): from .._common import matmul try: return matmul(self, other) except NotImplementedError: return NotImplemented def __rmatmul__(self, other): from .._common import matmul try: return matmul(other, self) except NotImplementedError: return NotImplemented def _prune(self): """ Prunes data so that if any fill-values are present, they are removed from both indices and data. Examples -------- >>> coords = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3]]) >>> data = np.array([1, 0, 1, 2]) >>> s = COO(coords, data).asformat("gcxs") >>> s._prune() >>> s.nnz 3 """ mask = ~equivalent(, self.fill_value) =[mask] if len(self.indptr): coords = np.stack((uncompress_dimension(self.indptr), self.indices)) coords = coords[:, mask] self.indices = coords[1] row_size = self._compressed_shape[0] indptr = np.empty(row_size + 1, dtype=self.indptr.dtype) indptr[0] = 0 np.cumsum(np.bincount(coords[0], minlength=row_size), out=indptr[1:]) self.indptr = indptr else: self.indices = self.indices[mask] def isinf(self): return self.tocoo().isinf().asformat("gcxs", compressed_axes=self.compressed_axes) def isnan(self): return self.tocoo().isnan().asformat("gcxs", compressed_axes=self.compressed_axes)
class _Compressed2d(GCXS): class_compressed_axes: tuple[int] def __init__(self, arg, shape=None, compressed_axes=None, prune=False, fill_value=0): if not hasattr(arg, "shape") and shape is None: raise ValueError("missing `shape` argument") if shape is not None and hasattr(arg, "shape"): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot change shape in constructor") nd = len(shape if shape is not None else arg.shape) if nd != 2: raise ValueError(f"{type(self).__name__} must be 2-d, passed {nd}-d shape.") super().__init__( arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, prune=prune, fill_value=fill_value, ) def __str__(self): summary = ( f"<{type(self).__name__}: shape={self.shape}, dtype={self.dtype}, nnz={self.nnz}, " f"fill_value={self.fill_value}>" ) return self._str_impl(summary) __repr__ = __str__ @property def ndim(self) -> int: return 2 @classmethod def from_numpy(cls, x, fill_value=0, idx_dtype=None): coo = COO.from_numpy(x, fill_value=fill_value, idx_dtype=idx_dtype) return cls.from_coo(coo, cls.class_compressed_axes, idx_dtype) class CSR(_Compressed2d): """ The CSR or CRS scheme stores a n-dimensional array using n+1 one-dimensional arrays. The 3 arrays are same as GCRS. The remaining n-2 arrays are for storing the indices of the non-zero values of the sparse matrix. CSR is simply the transpose of CSC. Sparse supports 2-D CSR. """ class_compressed_axes: tuple[int] = (0,) def __init__(self, arg, shape=None, compressed_axes=class_compressed_axes, prune=False, fill_value=0): if compressed_axes != self.class_compressed_axes: raise ValueError(f"CSR only accepts rows as compressed axis but got: {compressed_axes}") super().__init__(arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=fill_value) @classmethod def from_scipy_sparse(cls, x): x = x.asformat("csr", copy=False) return cls((, x.indices, x.indptr), shape=x.shape) def transpose(self, axes: None = None, copy: bool = False) -> Union["CSC", "CSR"]: axes = normalize_axis(axes, self.ndim) if axes not in [(0, 1), (1, 0), None]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid transpose axes: {axes}") if copy: self = self.copy() if axes == (0, 1): return self return CSC((, self.indices, self.indptr), self.shape[::-1]) class CSC(_Compressed2d): """ The CSC or CCS scheme stores a n-dimensional array using n+1 one-dimensional arrays. The 3 arrays are same as GCCS. The remaining n-2 arrays are for storing the indices of the non-zero values of the sparse matrix. CSC is simply the transpose of CSR. Sparse supports 2-D CSC. """ class_compressed_axes: tuple[int] = (1,) def __init__(self, arg, shape=None, compressed_axes=class_compressed_axes, prune=False, fill_value=0): if compressed_axes != self.class_compressed_axes: raise ValueError(f"CSC only accepts columns as compressed axis but got: {compressed_axes}") super().__init__(arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=fill_value) @classmethod def from_scipy_sparse(cls, x): x = x.asformat("csc", copy=False) return cls((, x.indices, x.indptr), shape=x.shape) def transpose(self, axes: None = None, copy: bool = False) -> Union["CSC", "CSR"]: axes = normalize_axis(axes, self.ndim) if axes not in [(0, 1), (1, 0), None]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid transpose axes: {axes}") if copy: self = self.copy() if axes == (0, 1): return self return CSR((, self.indices, self.indptr), self.shape[::-1])