Source code for sparse.utils

import numpy as np
from numbers import Integral
from collections import Iterable

def assert_eq(x, y, check_nnz=True, compare_dtype=True, **kwargs):
    from .coo import COO
    assert x.shape == y.shape

    if compare_dtype:
        assert x.dtype == y.dtype

    if isinstance(x, COO):
        if x.sorted:
            assert is_lexsorted(x)
    if isinstance(y, COO):
        if y.sorted:
            assert is_lexsorted(y)

    if hasattr(x, 'todense'):
        xx = x.todense()
        if check_nnz:
            assert (xx != 0).sum() == x.nnz
        xx = x
    if hasattr(y, 'todense'):
        yy = y.todense()
        if check_nnz:
            assert (yy != 0).sum() == y.nnz
        yy = y
    assert np.allclose(xx, yy, **kwargs)

def is_lexsorted(x):
    return not x.shape or (np.diff(x.linear_loc()) > 0).all()

def _zero_of_dtype(dtype):
    Creates a ()-shaped 0-dimensional zero array of a given dtype.

    dtype : numpy.dtype
        The dtype for the array.

        The zero array.
    return np.zeros((), dtype=dtype)

[docs]def random( shape, density=0.01, canonical_order=False, random_state=None, data_rvs=None, format='coo' ): """ Generate a random sparse multidimensional array Parameters ---------- shape: Tuple[int] Shape of the array density: float, optional Density of the generated array. canonical_order : bool, optional Whether or not to put the output :obj:`COO` object into canonical order. :code:`False` by default. random_state : Union[numpy.random.RandomState, int], optional Random number generator or random seed. If not given, the singleton numpy.random will be used. This random state will be used for sampling the sparsity structure, but not necessarily for sampling the values of the structurally nonzero entries of the matrix. data_rvs : Callable Data generation callback. Must accept one single parameter: number of :code:`nnz` elements, and return one single NumPy array of exactly that length. format: {'coo', 'dok'} The format to return the output array in. Returns ------- {COO, DOK} The generated random matrix. See Also -------- :obj:`scipy.sparse.rand` Equivalent Scipy function. :obj:`numpy.random.rand` Similar Numpy function. Examples -------- >>> from sparse import random >>> from scipy import stats >>> rvs = lambda x: stats.poisson(25, loc=10).rvs(x, random_state=np.random.RandomState(1)) >>> s = random((2, 3, 4), density=0.25, random_state=np.random.RandomState(1), data_rvs=rvs) >>> s.todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[[ 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 34, 0, 0], [33, 34, 0, 29]], <BLANKLINE> [[30, 0, 0, 34], [ 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0]]]) """ # Copied, in large part, from scipy.sparse.random # See from .coo import COO from .dok import DOK elements = nnz = int(elements * density) if random_state is None: random_state = np.random elif isinstance(random_state, Integral): random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) if data_rvs is None: data_rvs = random_state.rand # Use the algorithm from python's random.sample for k < mn/3. if elements < 3 * nnz: ind = random_state.choice(elements, size=nnz, replace=False) else: ind = np.empty(nnz, dtype=np.min_scalar_type(elements - 1)) selected = set() for i in range(nnz): j = random_state.randint(elements) while j in selected: j = random_state.randint(elements) selected.add(j) ind[i] = j data = data_rvs(nnz) ar = COO(ind[None, :], data, shape=nnz).reshape(shape) if canonical_order: ar.sum_duplicates() if format == 'dok': ar = DOK(ar) return ar
def isscalar(x): from .sparse_array import SparseArray return not isinstance(x, SparseArray) and np.isscalar(x) class PositinalArgumentPartial(object): def __init__(self, func, pos, posargs): if not isinstance(pos, Iterable): pos = (pos,) posargs = (posargs,) n_partial_args = len(pos) self.pos = pos self.posargs = posargs self.func = func self.n = n_partial_args self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): j = 0 totargs = [] for i in range(len(args) + self.n): if j >= self.n or i != self.pos[j]: totargs.append(args[i - j]) else: totargs.append(self.posargs[j]) j += 1 return self.func(*totargs, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return str(self.func) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.func) def random_value_array(value, fraction): def replace_values(n): i = int(n * fraction) ar = np.empty((n,), dtype=np.float_) ar[:i] = value ar[i:] = np.random.rand(n - i) return ar return replace_values