Source code for sparse._dok

from math import ceil
from numbers import Integral
from import Iterable

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
from numpy.lib.mixins import NDArrayOperatorsMixin

from ._slicing import normalize_index
from ._utils import equivalent
from ._sparse_array import SparseArray

[docs]class DOK(SparseArray, NDArrayOperatorsMixin): """ A class for building sparse multidimensional arrays. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple[int] (DOK.ndim,) The shape of the array. data : dict, optional The key-value pairs for the data in this array. dtype : np.dtype, optional The data type of this array. If left empty, it is inferred from the first element. fill_value : scalar, optional The fill value of this array. Attributes ---------- dtype : numpy.dtype The datatype of this array. Can be :code:`None` if no elements have been set yet. shape : tuple[int] The shape of this array. data : dict The keys of this dictionary contain all the indices and the values contain the nonzero entries. See Also -------- COO : A read-only sparse array. Examples -------- You can create :obj:`DOK` objects from Numpy arrays. >>> x = np.eye(5, dtype=np.uint8) >>> x[2, 3] = 5 >>> s = DOK.from_numpy(x) >>> s <DOK: shape=(5, 5), dtype=uint8, nnz=6, fill_value=0> You can also create them from just shapes, and use slicing assignment. >>> s2 = DOK((5, 5), dtype=np.int64) >>> s2[1:3, 1:3] = [[4, 5], [6, 7]] >>> s2 <DOK: shape=(5, 5), dtype=int64, nnz=4, fill_value=0> You can convert :obj:`DOK` arrays to :obj:`COO` arrays, or :obj:`numpy.ndarray` objects. >>> from sparse import COO >>> s3 = COO(s2) >>> s3 <COO: shape=(5, 5), dtype=int64, nnz=4, fill_value=0> >>> s2.todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 5, 0, 0], [0, 6, 7, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) >>> s4 = COO.from_numpy(np.eye(4, dtype=np.uint8)) >>> s4 <COO: shape=(4, 4), dtype=uint8, nnz=4, fill_value=0> >>> s5 = DOK.from_coo(s4) >>> s5 <DOK: shape=(4, 4), dtype=uint8, nnz=4, fill_value=0> You can also create :obj:`DOK` arrays from a shape and a dict of values. Zeros are automatically ignored. >>> values = { ... (1, 2, 3): 4, ... (3, 2, 1): 0, ... } >>> s6 = DOK((5, 5, 5), values) >>> s6 <DOK: shape=(5, 5, 5), dtype=int64, nnz=1, fill_value=0.0> """ def __init__(self, shape, data=None, dtype=None, fill_value=None): from ._coo import COO = dict() if isinstance(shape, COO): ar = DOK.from_coo(shape) self._make_shallow_copy_of(ar) return if isinstance(shape, np.ndarray): ar = DOK.from_numpy(shape) self._make_shallow_copy_of(ar) return if isinstance(shape, scipy.sparse.spmatrix): ar = DOK.from_scipy_sparse(shape) self._make_shallow_copy_of(ar) return self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if not data: data = dict() super().__init__(shape, fill_value=fill_value) if isinstance(data, dict): if not dtype: if not len(data): self.dtype = np.dtype("float64") else: self.dtype = np.result_type( *map(lambda x: np.asarray(x).dtype, data.values()) ) for c, d in data.items(): self[c] = d else: raise ValueError("data must be a dict.")
[docs] @classmethod def from_scipy_sparse(cls, x): """ Create a :obj:`DOK` array from a :obj:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`. Parameters ---------- x : scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix to convert. Returns ------- DOK The equivalent :obj:`DOK` array. Examples -------- >>> x = scipy.sparse.rand(6, 3, density=0.2) >>> s = DOK.from_scipy_sparse(x) >>> np.array_equal(x.todense(), s.todense()) True """ from sparse import COO return COO.from_scipy_sparse(x).asformat(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def from_coo(cls, x): """ Get a :obj:`DOK` array from a :obj:`COO` array. Parameters ---------- x : COO The array to convert. Returns ------- DOK The equivalent :obj:`DOK` array. Examples -------- >>> from sparse import COO >>> s = COO.from_numpy(np.eye(4)) >>> s2 = DOK.from_coo(s) >>> s2 <DOK: shape=(4, 4), dtype=float64, nnz=4, fill_value=0.0> """ ar = cls(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, fill_value=x.fill_value) for c, d in zip(x.coords.T,[tuple(c)] = d return ar
[docs] def to_coo(self): """ Convert this :obj:`DOK` array to a :obj:`COO` array. Returns ------- COO The equivalent :obj:`COO` array. Examples -------- >>> s = DOK((5, 5)) >>> s[1:3, 1:3] = [[4, 5], [6, 7]] >>> s <DOK: shape=(5, 5), dtype=float64, nnz=4, fill_value=0.0> >>> s2 = s.to_coo() >>> s2 <COO: shape=(5, 5), dtype=float64, nnz=4, fill_value=0.0> """ from ._coo import COO return COO(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_numpy(cls, x): """ Get a :obj:`DOK` array from a Numpy array. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray The array to convert. Returns ------- DOK The equivalent :obj:`DOK` array. Examples -------- >>> s = DOK.from_numpy(np.eye(4)) >>> s <DOK: shape=(4, 4), dtype=float64, nnz=4, fill_value=0.0> """ ar = cls(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype) coords = np.nonzero(x) data = x[coords] for c in zip(data, *coords): d, c = c[0], c[1:][c] = d return ar
@property def nnz(self): """ The number of nonzero elements in this array. Returns ------- int The number of nonzero elements. See Also -------- COO.nnz : Equivalent :obj:`COO` array property. numpy.count_nonzero : A similar Numpy function. scipy.sparse.dok_matrix.nnz : The Scipy equivalent property. Examples -------- >>> values = { ... (1, 2, 3): 4, ... (3, 2, 1): 0, ... } >>> s = DOK((5, 5, 5), values) >>> s.nnz 1 """ return len( @property def format(self): """ The storage format of this array. Returns ------- str The storage format of this array. See Also ------- scipy.sparse.dok_matrix.format : The Scipy equivalent property. Examples ------- >>> import sparse >>> s = sparse.random((5,5), density=0.2, format='dok') >>> s.format 'dok' >>> t = sparse.random((5,5), density=0.2, format='coo') >>> t.format 'coo' """ return "dok" @property def nbytes(self): """ The number of bytes taken up by this object. Note that for small arrays, this may undercount the number of bytes due to the large constant overhead. Returns ------- int The approximate bytes of memory taken by this object. See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.nbytes : The equivalent Numpy property. Examples -------- >>> import sparse >>> x = sparse.random((100,100),density=.1,format='dok') >>> x.nbytes 8000 """ return self.nnz * self.dtype.itemsize def __getitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,) if all(isinstance(k, Iterable) for k in key): if len(key) != self.ndim: raise NotImplementedError( f"Index sequences for all {self.ndim} array dimensions needed!" ) if not all(len(key[0]) == len(k) for k in key): raise IndexError("Unequal length of index sequences!") return self._fancy_getitem(key) key = normalize_index(key, self.shape) ret = self.asformat("coo")[key] if isinstance(ret, SparseArray): ret = ret.asformat("dok") return ret def _fancy_getitem(self, key): """Subset of fancy indexing, when all dimensions are accessed""" new_data = {} for i, k in enumerate(zip(*key)): if k in new_data[i] =[k] return DOK( shape=(len(key[0])), data=new_data, dtype=self.dtype, fill_value=self.fill_value, ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self.dtype) # 1D fancy indexing if ( self.ndim == 1 and isinstance(key, Iterable) and all(isinstance(i, (int, np.integer)) for i in key) ): key = (key,) if isinstance(key, tuple) and all(isinstance(k, Iterable) for k in key): if len(key) != self.ndim: raise NotImplementedError( f"Index sequences for all {self.ndim} array dimensions needed!" ) if not all(len(key[0]) == len(k) for k in key): raise IndexError("Unequal length of index sequences!") self._fancy_setitem(key, value) return key = normalize_index(key, self.shape) key_list = [int(k) if isinstance(k, Integral) else k for k in key] self._setitem(key_list, value) def _fancy_setitem(self, idxs, values): idxs = tuple(np.asanyarray(idxs) for idxs in idxs) if not all(np.issubdtype(k.dtype, np.integer) for k in idxs): raise IndexError("Indices must be sequences of integer types!") if idxs[0].ndim != 1: raise IndexError("Indices are not 1d sequences!") if values.ndim == 0: values = np.full(idxs[0].size, values, self.dtype) elif values.ndim > 1: raise ValueError(f"Dimension of values ({values.ndim}) must be 0 or 1!") if not idxs[0].shape == values.shape: raise ValueError( f"Shape mismatch of indices ({idxs[0].shape}) and values ({values.shape})!" ) fill_value = self.fill_value data = for idx, value in zip(zip(*idxs), values): if not value == fill_value: data[idx] = value elif idx in data: del data[idx] def _setitem(self, key_list, value): value_missing_dims = ( len([ind for ind in key_list if isinstance(ind, slice)]) - value.ndim ) if value_missing_dims < 0: raise ValueError("setting an array element with a sequence.") for i, ind in enumerate(key_list): if isinstance(ind, slice): step = ind.step if ind.step is not None else 1 if step > 0: start = ind.start if ind.start is not None else 0 start = max(start, 0) stop = ind.stop if ind.stop is not None else self.shape[i] stop = min(stop, self.shape[i]) if start > stop: start = stop else: start = ind.start or self.shape[i] - 1 stop = ind.stop if ind.stop is not None else -1 start = min(start, self.shape[i] - 1) stop = max(stop, -1) if start < stop: start = stop key_list_temp = key_list[:] for v_idx, ki in enumerate(range(start, stop, step)): key_list_temp[i] = ki vi = ( value if value_missing_dims > 0 else (value[0] if value.shape[0] == 1 else value[v_idx]) ) self._setitem(key_list_temp, vi) return elif not isinstance(ind, Integral): raise IndexError( "All indices must be slices or integers when setting an item." ) key = tuple(key_list) if not equivalent(value, self.fill_value):[key] = value[()] elif key in del[key] def __str__(self): return "<DOK: shape={!s}, dtype={!s}, nnz={:d}, fill_value={!s}>".format( self.shape, self.dtype, self.nnz, self.fill_value ) __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def todense(self): """ Convert this :obj:`DOK` array into a Numpy array. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The equivalent dense array. See Also -------- COO.todense : Equivalent :obj:`COO` array method. scipy.sparse.dok_matrix.todense : Equivalent Scipy method. Examples -------- >>> s = DOK((5, 5)) >>> s[1:3, 1:3] = [[4, 5], [6, 7]] >>> s.todense() # doctest: +SKIP array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 4., 5., 0., 0.], [0., 6., 7., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) """ result = np.full(self.shape, self.fill_value, self.dtype) for c, d in result[c] = d return result
[docs] def asformat(self, format, **kwargs): """ Convert this sparse array to a given format. Parameters ---------- format : str A format string. Returns ------- out : SparseArray The converted array. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the format isn't supported. """ from ._utils import convert_format format = convert_format(format) if format == "dok": return self if format == "coo": from ._coo import COO if len(kwargs) != 0: raise ValueError(f"Extra kwargs found: {kwargs}") return COO.from_iter(, shape=self.shape, fill_value=self.fill_value, dtype=self.dtype, ) return self.asformat("coo").asformat(format, **kwargs)
def reshape(self, shape, order="C"): """ Returns a new :obj:`DOK` array that is a reshaped version of this array. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple[int] The desired shape of the output array. Returns ------- DOK The reshaped output array. See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.reshape : The equivalent Numpy function. Notes ----- The :code:`order` parameter is provided just for compatibility with Numpy and isn't actually supported. Examples -------- >>> s = DOK.from_numpy(np.arange(25)) >>> s2 = s.reshape((5, 5)) >>> s2.todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]) """ if order not in {"C", None}: raise NotImplementedError("The 'order' parameter is not supported") return DOK.from_coo(self.to_coo().reshape(shape))
def to_slice(k): """Convert integer indices to one-element slices for consistency""" if isinstance(k, Integral): return slice(k, k + 1, 1) return k