Source code for sparse._compressed.compressed

import copy as _copy
import numpy as np
import operator
from numpy.lib.mixins import NDArrayOperatorsMixin
from functools import reduce
from import Iterable
import scipy.sparse as ss
from scipy.sparse import compressed
from typing import Tuple

from .._sparse_array import SparseArray, _reduce_super_ufunc
from .._coo.common import linear_loc
from .._common import dot, matmul
from .._utils import (
from .._coo.core import COO
from .convert import uncompress_dimension, _transpose, _1d_reshape
from .indexing import getitem

def _from_coo(x, compressed_axes=None, idx_dtype=None):
    if x.ndim == 0:
        if compressed_axes is not None:
            raise ValueError("no axes to compress for 0d array")
        return ((, x.coords, []), x.shape, None, x.fill_value)

    if x.ndim == 1:
        if compressed_axes is not None:
            raise ValueError("no axes to compress for 1d array")
        return ((, x.coords[0], ()), x.shape, None, x.fill_value)

    compressed_axes = normalize_axis(compressed_axes, x.ndim)
    if compressed_axes is None:
        # defaults to best compression ratio
        compressed_axes = (np.argmin(x.shape),)

    check_compressed_axes(x.shape, compressed_axes)

    axis_order = list(compressed_axes)
    # array location where the uncompressed dimensions start
    axisptr = len(compressed_axes)
    axis_order.extend(np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(x.shape)), compressed_axes))
    reordered_shape = tuple(x.shape[i] for i in axis_order)
    row_size =[:axisptr])
    col_size =[axisptr:])
    compressed_shape = (row_size, col_size)
    shape = x.shape

    if idx_dtype and not can_store(idx_dtype, max(max(compressed_shape), x.nnz)):
        raise ValueError(
            "cannot store array with the compressed shape {} and nnz {} with dtype {}.".format(

    if not idx_dtype:
        idx_dtype = x.coords.dtype
        if not can_store(idx_dtype, max(max(compressed_shape), x.nnz)):
            idx_dtype = np.min_scalar_type(max(max(compressed_shape), x.nnz))

    # transpose axes, linearize, reshape, and compress
    linear = linear_loc(x.coords[axis_order], reordered_shape)
    order = np.argsort(linear)
    linear = linear[order]
    coords = np.empty((2, x.nnz), dtype=idx_dtype)
    strides = 1
    for i, d in enumerate(compressed_shape[::-1]):
        coords[-(i + 1), :] = (linear // strides) % d
        strides *= d
    indptr = np.empty(row_size + 1, dtype=idx_dtype)
    indptr[0] = 0
    np.cumsum(np.bincount(coords[0], minlength=row_size), out=indptr[1:])
    indices = coords[1]
    data =[order]
    return ((data, indices, indptr), shape, compressed_axes, x.fill_value)

[docs]class GCXS(SparseArray, NDArrayOperatorsMixin): """ A sparse multidimensional array. This is stored in GCXS format, a generalization of the GCRS/GCCS formats from 'Efficient storage scheme for n-dimensional sparse array: GCRS/GCCS': GCXS generalizes the CRS/CCS sparse matrix formats. For arrays with ndim == 2, GCXS is the same CSR/CSC. For arrays with ndim >2, any combination of axes can be compressed, significantly reducing storage. GCXS consists of 3 arrays. Let the 3 arrays be RO, CO and VL. The first element of array RO is the integer 0 and later elements are the number of cumulative non-zero elements in each row for GCRS, column for GCCS. CO stores column indexes of non-zero elements at each row for GCRS, column for GCCS. VL stores the values of the non-zero array elements. The superiority of the GCRS/GCCS over traditional (CRS/CCS) is shown by both theoretical analysis and experimental results, outlined in the linked research paper. Parameters ---------- arg : tuple (data, indices, indptr) A tuple of arrays holding the data, indices, and index pointers for the nonzero values of the array. shape : tuple[int] (COO.ndim,) The shape of the array. compressed_axes : Iterable[int] The axes to compress. prune : bool, optional A flag indicating whether or not we should prune any fill-values present in the data array. fill_value: scalar, optional The fill value for this array. Attributes ---------- data : numpy.ndarray (nnz,) An array holding the nonzero values corresponding to :obj:`GCXS.indices`. indices : numpy.ndarray (nnz,) An array holding the coordinates of every nonzero element along uncompressed dimensions. indptr : numpy.ndarray An array holding the cumulative sums of the nonzeros along the compressed dimensions. shape : tuple[int] (ndim,) The dimensions of this array. See Also -------- DOK : A mostly write-only sparse array. """ __array_priority__ = 12
[docs] def __init__( self, arg, shape=None, compressed_axes=None, prune=False, fill_value=0, idx_dtype=None, ): if isinstance(arg, ss.spmatrix): arg = self.from_scipy_sparse(arg) if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray): (arg, shape, compressed_axes, fill_value) = _from_coo( COO(arg), compressed_axes ) elif isinstance(arg, COO): (arg, shape, compressed_axes, fill_value) = _from_coo( arg, compressed_axes, idx_dtype ) elif isinstance(arg, GCXS): if compressed_axes is not None and arg.compressed_axes != compressed_axes: arg = arg.change_compressed_axes(compressed_axes) (arg, shape, compressed_axes, fill_value) = ( (, arg.indices, arg.indptr), arg.shape, arg.compressed_axes, arg.fill_value, ) if shape is None: raise ValueError("missing `shape` argument") check_compressed_axes(len(shape), compressed_axes) if len(shape) == 1: compressed_axes = None, self.indices, self.indptr = arg if != 1: raise ValueError("data must be a scalar or 1-dimensional.") self.shape = shape self._compressed_axes = ( tuple(compressed_axes) if isinstance(compressed_axes, Iterable) else None ) self.fill_value = fill_value if prune: self._prune()
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True): """Return a copy of the array. Parameters ---------- deep : boolean, optional If True (default), the internal coords and data arrays are also copied. Set to ``False`` to only make a shallow copy. """ return _copy.deepcopy(self) if deep else _copy.copy(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_numpy(cls, x, compressed_axes=None, fill_value=0, idx_dtype=None): coo = COO(x, fill_value=fill_value, idx_dtype=idx_dtype) return cls.from_coo(coo, compressed_axes, idx_dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def from_coo(cls, x, compressed_axes=None, idx_dtype=None): (arg, shape, compressed_axes, fill_value) = _from_coo( x, compressed_axes, idx_dtype ) return cls( arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=fill_value )
[docs] @classmethod def from_scipy_sparse(cls, x): if x.format == "csc": return cls( (, x.indices, x.indptr), shape=x.shape, compressed_axes=(1,) ) else: x = x.asformat("csr") return cls( (, x.indices, x.indptr), shape=x.shape, compressed_axes=(0,) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_iter( cls, x, shape=None, compressed_axes=None, fill_value=None, idx_dtype=None ): return cls.from_coo( COO.from_iter(x, shape, fill_value), compressed_axes, idx_dtype, )
@property def dtype(self): """ The datatype of this array. Returns ------- numpy.dtype The datatype of this array. See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.dtype : Numpy equivalent property. scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.dtype : Scipy equivalent property. """ return @property def nnz(self): """ The number of nonzero elements in this array. Returns ------- int The number of nonzero elements in this array. See Also -------- COO.nnz : Equivalent :obj:`COO` array property. DOK.nnz : Equivalent :obj:`DOK` array property. numpy.count_nonzero : A similar Numpy function. scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.nnz : The Scipy equivalent property. """ return[0] @property def format(self): """ The storage format of this array. Returns ------- str The storage format of this array. See Also ------- scipy.sparse.dok_matrix.format : The Scipy equivalent property. Examples ------- >>> import sparse >>> s = sparse.random((5,5), density=0.2, format='dok') >>> s.format 'dok' >>> t = sparse.random((5,5), density=0.2, format='coo') >>> t.format 'coo' """ return "gcxs" @property def nbytes(self): """ The number of bytes taken up by this object. Note that for small arrays, this may undercount the number of bytes due to the large constant overhead. Returns ------- int The approximate bytes of memory taken by this object. See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.nbytes : The equivalent Numpy property. """ nbytes = + self.indices.nbytes + self.indptr.nbytes return nbytes @property def _axis_order(self): axis_order = list(self.compressed_axes) axis_order.extend( np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(self.shape)), self.compressed_axes) ) return axis_order @property def _axisptr(self): # array location where the uncompressed dimensions start return len(self.compressed_axes) @property def _compressed_shape(self): row_size =[: self._axisptr]) col_size =[self._axisptr :]) return (row_size, col_size) @property def _reordered_shape(self): return tuple(self.shape[i] for i in self._axis_order) @property def T(self): return self.transpose() def __str__(self): return "<GCXS: shape={}, dtype={}, nnz={}, fill_value={}, compressed_axes={}>".format( self.shape, self.dtype, self.nnz, self.fill_value, self.compressed_axes ) __repr__ = __str__ __getitem__ = getitem def _reduce_calc(self, method, axis, keepdims=False, **kwargs): if axis[0] is None or np.array_equal(axis, np.arange(self.ndim, dtype=np.intp)): x = self.flatten().tocoo() out = x.reduce(method, axis=None, keepdims=keepdims, **kwargs) if keepdims: return (out.reshape(np.ones(self.ndim, dtype=np.intp)),) return (out,) r = np.arange(self.ndim, dtype=np.intp) compressed_axes = [a for a in r if a not in set(axis)] x = self.change_compressed_axes(compressed_axes) idx = np.diff(x.indptr) != 0 indptr = x.indptr[:-1][idx] indices = (np.arange(x._compressed_shape[0], dtype=self.indptr.dtype))[idx] data = method.reduceat(, indptr, **kwargs) counts = x.indptr[1:][idx] - x.indptr[:-1][idx] arr_attrs = (x, compressed_axes, indices) n_cols = x._compressed_shape[1] return (data, counts, axis, n_cols, arr_attrs) def _reduce_return(self, data, arr_attrs, result_fill_value): x, compressed_axes, indices = arr_attrs # prune data mask = ~equivalent(data, result_fill_value) data = data[mask] indices = indices[mask] out = GCXS( (data, indices, []), shape=(x._compressed_shape[0],), fill_value=result_fill_value, compressed_axes=None, ) return out.reshape(tuple(self.shape[d] for d in compressed_axes))
[docs] def change_compressed_axes(self, new_compressed_axes): """ Returns a new array with specified compressed axes. This operation is similar to converting a scipy.sparse.csc_matrix to a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix. Returns ------- GCXS A new instance of the input array with compression along the specified dimensions. """ if new_compressed_axes == self.compressed_axes: return self if self.ndim == 1: raise NotImplementedError("no axes to compress for 1d array") new_compressed_axes = tuple( normalize_axis(new_compressed_axes[i], self.ndim) for i in range(len(new_compressed_axes)) ) if new_compressed_axes == self.compressed_axes: return self if len(new_compressed_axes) >= len(self.shape): raise ValueError("cannot compress all axes") if len(set(new_compressed_axes)) != len(new_compressed_axes): raise ValueError("repeated axis in compressed_axes") arg = _transpose(self, self.shape, np.arange(self.ndim), new_compressed_axes) return GCXS( arg, shape=self.shape, compressed_axes=new_compressed_axes, fill_value=self.fill_value, )
[docs] def tocoo(self): """ Convert this :obj:`GCXS` array to a :obj:`COO`. Returns ------- sparse.COO The converted COO array. """ if self.ndim == 0: return COO( np.array([]),, shape=self.shape, fill_value=self.fill_value, ) if self.ndim == 1: return COO( self.indices[None, :],, shape=self.shape, fill_value=self.fill_value, ) uncompressed = uncompress_dimension(self.indptr) coords = np.vstack((uncompressed, self.indices)) order = np.argsort(self._axis_order) return ( COO( coords,, shape=self._compressed_shape, fill_value=self.fill_value, ) .reshape(self._reordered_shape) .transpose(order) )
[docs] def todense(self): """ Convert this :obj:`GCXS` array to a dense :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. Note that this may take a large amount of memory if the :obj:`GCXS` object's :code:`shape` is large. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The converted dense array. See Also -------- DOK.todense : Equivalent :obj:`DOK` array method. COO.todense : Equivalent :obj:`COO` array method. scipy.sparse.coo_matrix.todense : Equivalent Scipy method. """ if self.compressed_axes is None: out = np.full(self.shape, self.fill_value, self.dtype) if len(self.indices) != 0: out[self.indices] = else: if len( != 0: out[()] =[0] return out return self.tocoo().todense()
[docs] def todok(self): from .. import DOK return DOK.from_coo(self.tocoo()) # probably a temporary solution
[docs] def to_scipy_sparse(self): """ Converts this :obj:`GCXS` object into a :obj:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` or `scipy.sparse.csc_matrix`. Returns ------- :obj:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` or `scipy.sparse.csc_matrix` The converted Scipy sparse matrix. Raises ------ ValueError If the array is not two-dimensional. ValueError If all the array doesn't zero fill-values. """ check_zero_fill_value(self) if self.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "Can only convert a 2-dimensional array to a Scipy sparse matrix." ) if 0 in self.compressed_axes: return ss.csr_matrix( (, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=self.shape ) else: return ss.csc_matrix( (, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=self.shape )
[docs] def asformat(self, format, **kwargs): """ Convert this sparse array to a given format. Parameters ---------- format : str A format string. Returns ------- out : SparseArray The converted array. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the format isn't supported. """ from .._utils import convert_format format = convert_format(format) ret = None if format == "coo": ret = self.tocoo() elif format == "dok": ret = self.todok() elif format == "csr": ret = CSR(self) elif format == "csc": ret = CSC(self) elif format == "gcxs": compressed_axes = kwargs.pop("compressed_axes", self.compressed_axes) return self.change_compressed_axes(compressed_axes) if len(kwargs) != 0: raise TypeError(f"Invalid keyword arguments provided: {kwargs}") if ret is None: raise NotImplementedError(f"The given format is not supported: {format}") return ret
[docs] def maybe_densify(self, max_size=1000, min_density=0.25): """ Converts this :obj:`GCXS` array to a :obj:`numpy.ndarray` if not too costly. Parameters ---------- max_size : int Maximum number of elements in output min_density : float Minimum density of output Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The dense array. See Also -------- sparse.GCXS.todense: Converts to Numpy function without checking the cost. sparse.COO.maybe_densify: The equivalent COO function. Raises ------- ValueError If the returned array would be too large. """ if self.size <= max_size or self.density >= min_density: return self.todense() else: raise ValueError( "Operation would require converting " "large sparse array to dense" )
[docs] def flatten(self, order="C"): """ Returns a new :obj:`GCXS` array that is a flattened version of this array. Returns ------- GCXS The flattened output array. Notes ----- The :code:`order` parameter is provided just for compatibility with Numpy and isn't actually supported. """ if order not in {"C", None}: raise NotImplementedError("The `order` parameter is not" "supported.") return self.reshape(-1)
[docs] def reshape(self, shape, order="C", compressed_axes=None): """ Returns a new :obj:`GCXS` array that is a reshaped version of this array. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple[int] The desired shape of the output array. compressed_axes : Iterable[int], optional The axes to compress to store the array. Finds the most efficient storage by default. Returns ------- GCXS The reshaped output array. See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.reshape : The equivalent Numpy function. sparse.COO.reshape : The equivalent COO function. Notes ----- The :code:`order` parameter is provided just for compatibility with Numpy and isn't actually supported. """ if isinstance(shape, Iterable): shape = tuple(shape) else: shape = (shape,) if order not in {"C", None}: raise NotImplementedError("The 'order' parameter is not supported") if any(d == -1 for d in shape): extra = int(self.size /[d for d in shape if d != -1])) shape = tuple([d if d != -1 else extra for d in shape]) if self.shape == shape: return self if self.size != reduce(operator.mul, shape, 1): raise ValueError( "cannot reshape array of size {} into shape {}".format(self.size, shape) ) if len(shape) == 0: return self.tocoo().reshape(shape).asformat("gcxs") if compressed_axes is None: if len(shape) == self.ndim: compressed_axes = self.compressed_axes elif len(shape) == 1: compressed_axes = None else: compressed_axes = (np.argmin(shape),) if self.ndim == 1: arg = _1d_reshape(self, shape, compressed_axes) else: arg = _transpose(self, shape, np.arange(self.ndim), compressed_axes) return GCXS( arg, shape=tuple(shape), compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=self.fill_value, )
@property def compressed_axes(self): return self._compressed_axes
[docs] def transpose(self, axes=None, compressed_axes=None): """ Returns a new array which has the order of the axes switched. Parameters ---------- axes : Iterable[int], optional The new order of the axes compared to the previous one. Reverses the axes by default. compressed_axes : Iterable[int], optional The axes to compress to store the array. Finds the most efficient storage by default. Returns ------- GCXS The new array with the axes in the desired order. See Also -------- :obj:`GCXS.T` : A quick property to reverse the order of the axes. numpy.ndarray.transpose : Numpy equivalent function. """ if axes is None: axes = list(reversed(range(self.ndim))) # Normalize all axes indices to positive values axes = normalize_axis(axes, self.ndim) if len(np.unique(axes)) < len(axes): raise ValueError("repeated axis in transpose") if not len(axes) == self.ndim: raise ValueError("axes don't match array") axes = tuple(axes) if axes == tuple(range(self.ndim)): return self if self.ndim == 2: return self._2d_transpose() shape = tuple(self.shape[ax] for ax in axes) if compressed_axes is None: compressed_axes = (np.argmin(shape),) arg = _transpose(self, shape, axes, compressed_axes, transpose=True) return GCXS( arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=self.fill_value, )
def _2d_transpose(self): """ A function for performing constant-time transposes on 2d GCXS arrays. Returns ------- GCXS The new transposed array with the opposite compressed axes as the input. See Also -------- scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.transpose : Scipy equivalent function. scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.transpose : Scipy equivalent function. numpy.ndarray.transpose : Numpy equivalent function. """ if self.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "cannot perform 2d transpose on array with dimension {}".format( self.ndim ) ) compressed_axes = [(self.compressed_axes[0] + 1) % 2] shape = self.shape[::-1] return GCXS( (, self.indices, self.indptr), shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, fill_value=self.fill_value, )
[docs] def dot(self, other): """ Performs the equivalent of :code:`` for :obj:`GCXS`. Parameters ---------- other : Union[GCXS, COO, numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix] The second operand of the dot product operation. Returns ------- {GCXS, numpy.ndarray} The result of the dot product. If the result turns out to be dense, then a dense array is returned, otherwise, a sparse array. Raises ------ ValueError If all arguments don't have zero fill-values. See Also -------- dot : Equivalent function for two arguments. :obj:`` : Numpy equivalent function. : Scipy equivalent function. """ return dot(self, other)
def __matmul__(self, other): try: return matmul(self, other) except NotImplementedError: return NotImplemented def __rmatmul__(self, other): try: return matmul(other, self) except NotImplementedError: return NotImplemented def _prune(self): """ Prunes data so that if any fill-values are present, they are removed from both indices and data. Examples -------- >>> coords = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3]]) >>> data = np.array([1, 0, 1, 2]) >>> s = COO(coords, data).asformat('gcxs') >>> s._prune() >>> s.nnz 3 """ mask = ~equivalent(, self.fill_value) =[mask] if len(self.indptr): coords = np.stack((uncompress_dimension(self.indptr), self.indices)) coords = coords[:, mask] self.indices = coords[1] row_size = self._compressed_shape[0] indptr = np.empty(row_size + 1, dtype=self.indptr.dtype) indptr[0] = 0 np.cumsum(np.bincount(coords[0], minlength=row_size), out=indptr[1:]) self.indptr = indptr else: self.indices = self.indices[mask]
class _Compressed2d(GCXS): def __init__( self, arg, shape=None, compressed_axes=None, prune=False, fill_value=0 ): if not hasattr(arg, "shape") and shape is None: raise ValueError("missing `shape` argument") if shape is not None and hasattr(arg, "shape"): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot change shape in constructor") nd = len(shape if shape is not None else arg.shape) if nd != 2: raise ValueError(f"{type(self).__name__} must be 2-d, passed {nd}-d shape.") super().__init__( arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, prune=prune, fill_value=fill_value, ) def __str__(self): return "<{}: shape={}, dtype={}, nnz={}, fill_value={}>".format( type(self).__name__, self.shape, self.dtype, self.nnz, self.fill_value, ) __repr__ = __str__ @property def ndim(self) -> int: return 2 class CSR(_Compressed2d): """ The CSR or CRS scheme stores a n-dimensional array using n+1 one-dimensional arrays. The 3 arrays are same as GCRS. The remaining n-2 arrays are for storing the indices of the non-zero values of the sparse matrix. CSR is simply the transpose of CSC. Sparse supports 2-D CSR. """ def __init__(self, arg, shape=None, prune=False, fill_value=0): super().__init__(arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=(0,), fill_value=fill_value) @classmethod def from_scipy_sparse(cls, x): x = x.asformat("csr", copy=False) return cls((, x.indices, x.indptr), shape=x.shape) def transpose(self, axes: None = None, copy: bool = False) -> "CSC": if axes is not None: raise ValueError() if copy: self = self.copy() return CSC((, self.indices, self.indptr), self.shape[::-1]) class CSC(_Compressed2d): """ The CSC or CCS scheme stores a n-dimensional array using n+1 one-dimensional arrays. The 3 arrays are same as GCCS. The remaining n-2 arrays are for storing the indices of the non-zero values of the sparse matrix. CSC is simply the transpose of CSR. Sparse supports 2-D CSC. """ def __init__(self, arg, shape=None, prune=False, fill_value=0): super().__init__(arg, shape=shape, compressed_axes=(1,), fill_value=fill_value) @classmethod def from_scipy_sparse(cls, x): x = x.asformat("csc", copy=False) return cls((, x.indices, x.indptr), shape=x.shape) def transpose(self, axes: None = None, copy: bool = False) -> CSR: if axes is not None: raise ValueError() if copy: self = self.copy() return CSR((, self.indices, self.indptr), self.shape[::-1])