Source code for sparse._common

import numpy as np
import numba
import scipy.sparse
from functools import wraps, reduce
from itertools import chain
from operator import mul
from import Iterable
from scipy.sparse import spmatrix
from numba import literal_unroll
import warnings

from ._sparse_array import SparseArray
from ._utils import (

from ._umath import elemwise
from ._coo.common import (

def nan_check(*args):
    Check for the NaN values in Numpy Arrays

    Union[Numpy Array, Integer, Float]

    Boolean Whether Numpy Array Contains NaN

    for i in literal_unroll(args):
        ia = np.asarray(i)
        if ia.size != 0 and np.isnan(np.min(ia)):
            return True
    return False

def check_class_nan(test):
    Check NaN for Sparse Arrays

    test : Union[sparse.COO, sparse.GCXS, scipy.sparse.spmatrix, Numpy Ndarrays]

    Boolean Whether Sparse Array Contains NaN

    from ._compressed import GCXS
    from ._coo import COO

    if isinstance(test, (GCXS, COO)):
        return nan_check(test.fill_value,
    elif isinstance(test, spmatrix):
        return nan_check(
        return nan_check(test)

[docs]def tensordot(a, b, axes=2, *, return_type=None): """ Perform the equivalent of :obj:`numpy.tensordot`. Parameters ---------- a, b : Union[SparseArray, np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix] The arrays to perform the :code:`tensordot` operation on. axes : tuple[Union[int, tuple[int], Union[int, tuple[int]], optional The axes to match when performing the sum. return_type : {None, COO, np.ndarray}, optional Type of returned array. Returns ------- Union[SparseArray, numpy.ndarray] The result of the operation. Raises ------ ValueError If all arguments don't have zero fill-values. See Also -------- numpy.tensordot : NumPy equivalent function """ from ._compressed import GCXS # Much of this is stolen from numpy/core/ # Please see license at check_zero_fill_value(a, b) if scipy.sparse.issparse(a): a = GCXS.from_scipy_sparse(a) if scipy.sparse.issparse(b): b = GCXS.from_scipy_sparse(b) try: iter(axes) except TypeError: axes_a = list(range(-axes, 0)) axes_b = list(range(0, axes)) else: axes_a, axes_b = axes try: na = len(axes_a) axes_a = list(axes_a) except TypeError: axes_a = [axes_a] na = 1 try: nb = len(axes_b) axes_b = list(axes_b) except TypeError: axes_b = [axes_b] nb = 1 # a, b = asarray(a), asarray(b) # <--- modified as_ = a.shape nda = a.ndim bs = b.shape ndb = b.ndim equal = True if nda == 0 or ndb == 0: pos = int(nda != 0) raise ValueError("Input {} operand does not have enough dimensions".format(pos)) if na != nb: equal = False else: for k in range(na): if as_[axes_a[k]] != bs[axes_b[k]]: equal = False break if axes_a[k] < 0: axes_a[k] += nda if axes_b[k] < 0: axes_b[k] += ndb if not equal: raise ValueError("shape-mismatch for sum") # Move the axes to sum over to the end of "a" # and to the front of "b" notin = [k for k in range(nda) if k not in axes_a] newaxes_a = notin + axes_a N2 = 1 for axis in axes_a: N2 *= as_[axis] newshape_a = (-1, N2) olda = [as_[axis] for axis in notin] notin = [k for k in range(ndb) if k not in axes_b] newaxes_b = axes_b + notin N2 = 1 for axis in axes_b: N2 *= bs[axis] newshape_b = (N2, -1) oldb = [bs[axis] for axis in notin] if any(dim == 0 for dim in chain(newshape_a, newshape_b)): res = asCOO(np.empty(olda + oldb), check=False) if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) or isinstance(b, np.ndarray): res = res.todense() return res at = a.transpose(newaxes_a).reshape(newshape_a) bt = b.transpose(newaxes_b).reshape(newshape_b) res = _dot(at, bt, return_type) return res.reshape(olda + oldb)
[docs]def matmul(a, b): """Perform the equivalent of :obj:`numpy.matmul` on two arrays. Parameters ---------- a, b : Union[SparseArray, np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix] The arrays to perform the :code:`matmul` operation on. Returns ------- Union[SparseArray, numpy.ndarray] The result of the operation. Raises ------ ValueError If all arguments don't have zero fill-values, or the shape of the two arrays is not broadcastable. See Also -------- numpy.matmul : NumPy equivalent function. COO.__matmul__ : Equivalent function for COO objects. """ check_zero_fill_value(a, b) if not hasattr(a, "ndim") or not hasattr(b, "ndim"): raise TypeError( "Cannot perform dot product on types %s, %s" % (type(a), type(b)) ) if check_class_nan(a) or check_class_nan(b): warnings.warn( "Nan will not be propagated in matrix multiplication", RuntimeWarning ) # When b is 2-d, it is equivalent to dot if b.ndim <= 2: return dot(a, b) # when a is 2-d, we need to transpose result after dot if a.ndim <= 2: res = dot(a, b) axes = list(range(res.ndim)) axes.insert(-1, axes.pop(0)) return res.transpose(axes) # If a can be squeeze to a vector, use dot will be faster if a.ndim <= b.ndim and[:-1]) == 1: res = dot(a.reshape(-1), b) shape = list(res.shape) shape.insert(-1, 1) return res.reshape(shape) # If b can be squeeze to a matrix, use dot will be faster if b.ndim <= a.ndim and[:-2]) == 1: return dot(a, b.reshape(b.shape[-2:])) if a.ndim < b.ndim: a = a[(None,) * (b.ndim - a.ndim)] if a.ndim > b.ndim: b = b[(None,) * (a.ndim - b.ndim)] for i, j in zip(a.shape[:-2], b.shape[:-2]): if i != 1 and j != 1 and i != j: raise ValueError("shapes of a and b are not broadcastable") def _matmul_recurser(a, b): if a.ndim == 2: return dot(a, b) res = [] for i in range(max(a.shape[0], b.shape[0])): a_i = a[0] if a.shape[0] == 1 else a[i] b_i = b[0] if b.shape[0] == 1 else b[i] res.append(_matmul_recurser(a_i, b_i)) mask = [isinstance(x, SparseArray) for x in res] if all(mask): return stack(res) else: res = [x.todense() if isinstance(x, SparseArray) else x for x in res] return np.stack(res) return _matmul_recurser(a, b)
[docs]def dot(a, b): """ Perform the equivalent of :obj:`` on two arrays. Parameters ---------- a, b : Union[SparseArray, np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix] The arrays to perform the :code:`dot` operation on. Returns ------- Union[SparseArray, numpy.ndarray] The result of the operation. Raises ------ ValueError If all arguments don't have zero fill-values. See Also -------- : NumPy equivalent function. : Equivalent function for COO objects. """ check_zero_fill_value(a, b) if not hasattr(a, "ndim") or not hasattr(b, "ndim"): raise TypeError( "Cannot perform dot product on types %s, %s" % (type(a), type(b)) ) if a.ndim == 1 and b.ndim == 1: if isinstance(a, SparseArray): a = asCOO(a) if isinstance(b, SparseArray): b = asCOO(b) return (a * b).sum() a_axis = -1 b_axis = -2 if b.ndim == 1: b_axis = -1 return tensordot(a, b, axes=(a_axis, b_axis))
def _dot(a, b, return_type=None): from ._coo import COO from ._compressed import GCXS from ._compressed.convert import uncompress_dimension from ._sparse_array import SparseArray out_shape = (a.shape[0], b.shape[1]) if all(isinstance(arr, SparseArray) for arr in [a, b]) and any( isinstance(arr, GCXS) for arr in [a, b] ): a = a.asformat("gcxs") b = b.asformat("gcxs", compressed_axes=a.compressed_axes) if isinstance(a, GCXS) and isinstance(b, GCXS): if a.nbytes > b.nbytes: b = b.change_compressed_axes(a.compressed_axes) else: a = a.change_compressed_axes(b.compressed_axes) if a.compressed_axes == (0,): # csr @ csr compressed_axes = (0,) data, indices, indptr = _dot_csr_csr_type(a.dtype, b.dtype)( out_shape,,, a.indices, b.indices, a.indptr, b.indptr ) elif a.compressed_axes == (1,): # csc @ csc # a @ b = (b.T @ a.T).T compressed_axes = (1,) data, indices, indptr = _dot_csr_csr_type(b.dtype, a.dtype)( out_shape[::-1],,, b.indices, a.indices, b.indptr, a.indptr, ) out = GCXS( (data, indices, indptr), shape=out_shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, prune=True, ) if return_type == np.ndarray: return out.todense() elif return_type == COO: return out.tocoo() return out if isinstance(a, GCXS) and isinstance(b, np.ndarray): if a.compressed_axes == (0,): # csr @ ndarray if return_type is None or return_type == np.ndarray: return _dot_csr_ndarray_type(a.dtype, b.dtype)( out_shape,, a.indices, a.indptr, b ) data, indices, indptr = _dot_csr_ndarray_type_sparse(a.dtype, b.dtype)( out_shape,, a.indices, a.indptr, b ) out = GCXS( (data, indices, indptr), shape=out_shape, compressed_axes=(0,), prune=True, ) if return_type == COO: return out.tocoo() return out if return_type is None or return_type == np.ndarray: # csc @ ndarray return _dot_csc_ndarray_type(a.dtype, b.dtype)( a.shape, b.shape,, a.indices, a.indptr, b ) data, indices, indptr = _dot_csc_ndarray_type_sparse(a.dtype, b.dtype)( a.shape, b.shape,, a.indices, a.indptr, b ) compressed_axes = (1,) out = GCXS( (data, indices, indptr), shape=out_shape, compressed_axes=compressed_axes, prune=True, ) if return_type == COO: return out.tocoo() return out if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and isinstance(b, GCXS): at = a.view(type=np.ndarray).T bt = b.T # constant-time transpose if b.compressed_axes == (0,): if return_type is None or return_type == np.ndarray: out = _dot_csc_ndarray_type(bt.dtype, at.dtype)( bt.shape, at.shape,, bt.indices, bt.indptr, at ) return out.T data, indices, indptr = _dot_csc_ndarray_type_sparse(bt.dtype, at.dtype)( bt.shape, at.shape,, b.indices, b.indptr, at ) out = GCXS( (data, indices, indptr), shape=out_shape, compressed_axes=(0,), prune=True, ) if return_type == COO: return out.tocoo() return out # compressed_axes == (1,) if return_type is None or return_type == np.ndarray: return _dot_ndarray_csc_type(a.dtype, b.dtype)( out_shape,, b.indices, b.indptr, a ) data, indices, indptr = _dot_csr_ndarray_type_sparse(bt.dtype, at.dtype)( out_shape[::-1],, bt.indices, bt.indptr, at ) out = GCXS( (data, indices, indptr), shape=out_shape, compressed_axes=(1,), prune=True ) if return_type == COO: return out.tocoo() return out if isinstance(a, COO) and isinstance(b, COO): # convert to csr a_indptr = np.empty(a.shape[0] + 1, dtype=np.intp) a_indptr[0] = 0 np.cumsum(np.bincount(a.coords[0], minlength=a.shape[0]), out=a_indptr[1:]) b_indptr = np.empty(b.shape[0] + 1, dtype=np.intp) b_indptr[0] = 0 np.cumsum(np.bincount(b.coords[0], minlength=b.shape[0]), out=b_indptr[1:]) coords, data = _dot_coo_coo_type(a.dtype, b.dtype)( out_shape, a.coords, b.coords,,, a_indptr, b_indptr ) out = COO( coords, data, shape=out_shape, has_duplicates=False, sorted=False, prune=True, ) if return_type == np.ndarray: return out.todense() elif return_type == GCXS: return out.asformat("gcxs") return out if isinstance(a, COO) and isinstance(b, np.ndarray): b = b.view(type=np.ndarray).T if return_type is None or return_type == np.ndarray: return _dot_coo_ndarray_type(a.dtype, b.dtype)( a.coords,, b, out_shape ) coords, data = _dot_coo_ndarray_type_sparse(a.dtype, b.dtype)( a.coords,, b, out_shape ) out = COO(coords, data, shape=out_shape, has_duplicates=False, sorted=True) if return_type == GCXS: return out.asformat("gcxs") return out if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and isinstance(b, COO): a = a.view(type=np.ndarray) if return_type is None or return_type == np.ndarray: return _dot_ndarray_coo_type(a.dtype, b.dtype)( a, b.coords,, out_shape ) b = b.T coords, data = _dot_ndarray_coo_type_sparse(a.dtype, b.dtype)( a, b.coords,, out_shape ) out = COO( coords, data, shape=out_shape, has_duplicates=False, sorted=True, prune=True ) if return_type == GCXS: return out.asformat("gcxs") return out if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and isinstance(b, np.ndarray): return, b) raise TypeError("Unsupported types.") def _memoize_dtype(f): """ Memoizes a function taking in NumPy dtypes. Parameters ---------- f : Callable Returns ------- wrapped : Callable Examples -------- >>> def func(dt1): ... return object() >>> func = _memoize_dtype(func) >>> func(np.dtype('i8')) is func(np.dtype('int64')) True >>> func(np.dtype('i8')) is func(np.dtype('i4')) False """ cache = {} @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args): key = tuple( for arg in args) if key in cache: return cache[key] result = f(*args) cache[key] = result return result return wrapped @numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def _csr_csr_count_nnz( out_shape, a_indices, b_indices, a_indptr, b_indptr ): # pragma: no cover """ A function for computing the number of nonzero values in the resulting array from multiplying an array with compressed rows with an array with compressed rows: (a @ b).nnz. Parameters ---------- out_shape : tuple The shape of the output array. a_indices, a_indptr : np.ndarray The indices and index pointer array of ``a``. b_data, b_indices, b_indptr : np.ndarray The indices and index pointer array of ``b``. """ n_row, n_col = out_shape nnz = 0 mask = np.full(n_col, -1) for i in range(n_row): row_nnz = 0 for j in a_indices[a_indptr[i] : a_indptr[i + 1]]: for k in b_indices[b_indptr[j] : b_indptr[j + 1]]: if mask[k] != i: mask[k] = i row_nnz += 1 nnz += row_nnz return nnz @numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def _csr_ndarray_count_nnz( out_shape, indptr, a_indices, a_indptr, b ): # pragma: no cover """ A function for computing the number of nonzero values in the resulting array from multiplying an array with compressed rows with a dense numpy array: (a @ b).nnz. Parameters ---------- out_shape : tuple The shape of the output array. indptr : ndarray The empty index pointer array for the output. a_indices, a_indptr : np.ndarray The indices and index pointer array of ``a``. b : np.ndarray The second input array ``b``. """ nnz = 0 for i in range(out_shape[0]): cur_row = a_indices[a_indptr[i] : a_indptr[i + 1]] for j in range(out_shape[1]): for k in cur_row: if b[k, j] != 0: nnz += 1 break indptr[i + 1] = nnz return nnz @numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def _csc_ndarray_count_nnz( a_shape, b_shape, indptr, a_indices, a_indptr, b ): # pragma: no cover """ A function for computing the number of nonzero values in the resulting array from multiplying an array with compressed columns with a dense numpy array: (a @ b).nnz. Parameters ---------- a_shape, b_shape : tuple The shapes of the input arrays. indptr : ndarray The empty index pointer array for the output. a_indices, a_indptr : np.ndarray The indices and index pointer array of ``a``. b : np.ndarray The second input array ``b``. """ nnz = 0 mask = np.full(a_shape[0], -1) for i in range(b_shape[1]): col_nnz = 0 for j in range(b_shape[0]): for k in a_indices[a_indptr[j] : a_indptr[j + 1]]: if b[j, i] != 0 and mask[k] != i: mask[k] = i col_nnz += 1 nnz += col_nnz indptr[i + 1] = nnz return nnz def _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2): return (np.zeros((), dtype=dt1) * np.zeros((), dtype=dt2)).dtype @_memoize_dtype def _dot_csr_csr_type(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_csr_csr( out_shape, a_data, b_data, a_indices, b_indices, a_indptr, b_indptr ): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in two ``GCXS`` objects and calculating their dot product: a @ b for a and b with compressed rows. Parameters ---------- out_shape : tuple The shape of the output array. a_data, a_indices, a_indptr : np.ndarray The data, indices, and index pointer arrays of ``a``. b_data, b_indices, b_indptr : np.ndarray The data, indices, and index pointer arrays of ``b``. """ # much of this is borrowed from: # # calculate nnz before multiplying so we can use static arrays nnz = _csr_csr_count_nnz(out_shape, a_indices, b_indices, a_indptr, b_indptr) n_row, n_col = out_shape indptr = np.empty(n_row + 1, dtype=np.intp) indptr[0] = 0 indices = np.empty(nnz, dtype=np.intp) data = np.empty(nnz, dtype=dtr) next_ = np.full(n_col, -1) sums = np.zeros(n_col, dtype=dtr) nnz = 0 for i in range(n_row): head = -2 length = 0 next_[:] = -1 for j, av in zip( a_indices[a_indptr[i] : a_indptr[i + 1]], a_data[a_indptr[i] : a_indptr[i + 1]], ): for k, bv in zip( b_indices[b_indptr[j] : b_indptr[j + 1]], b_data[b_indptr[j] : b_indptr[j + 1]], ): sums[k] += av * bv if next_[k] == -1: next_[k] = head head = k length += 1 for _ in range(length): if next_[head] != -1: indices[nnz] = head data[nnz] = sums[head] nnz += 1 temp = head head = next_[head] next_[temp] = -1 sums[temp] = 0 indptr[i + 1] = nnz return data, indices, indptr return _dot_csr_csr @_memoize_dtype def _dot_csr_ndarray_type(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_csr_ndarray(out_shape, a_data, a_indices, a_indptr, b): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in one `GCXS` and one ``ndarray`` and calculating their dot product: a @ b for a with compressed rows. Returns a dense result. Parameters ---------- a_data, a_indices, a_indptr : np.ndarray The data, indices, and index pointers of ``a``. b : np.ndarray The second input array ``b``. out_shape : Tuple[int] The shape of the output array. """ out = np.empty(out_shape, dtype=dtr) for i in range(out_shape[0]): for j in range(out_shape[1]): val = 0 for k in range(a_indptr[i], a_indptr[i + 1]): ind = a_indices[k] v = a_data[k] val += v * b[ind, j] out[i, j] = val return out return _dot_csr_ndarray @_memoize_dtype def _dot_csr_ndarray_type_sparse(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_csr_ndarray_sparse( out_shape, a_data, a_indices, a_indptr, b ): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in one `GCXS` and one ``ndarray`` and calculating their dot product: a @ b for a with compressed rows. Returns a sparse result. Parameters ---------- a_data, a_indices, a_indptr : np.ndarray The data, indices, and index pointers of ``a``. b : np.ndarray The second input array ``b``. out_shape : Tuple[int] The shape of the output array. """ indptr = np.empty(out_shape[0] + 1, dtype=np.intp) indptr[0] = 0 nnz = _csr_ndarray_count_nnz(out_shape, indptr, a_indices, a_indptr, b) indices = np.empty(nnz, dtype=np.intp) data = np.empty(nnz, dtype=dtr) current = 0 for i in range(out_shape[0]): for j in range(out_shape[1]): val = 0 nonzero = False for k in range(a_indptr[i], a_indptr[i + 1]): ind = a_indices[k] v = a_data[k] val += v * b[ind, j] if b[ind, j] != 0: nonzero = True if nonzero: data[current] = val indices[current] = j current += 1 return data, indices, indptr return _dot_csr_ndarray_sparse @_memoize_dtype def _dot_csc_ndarray_type_sparse(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_csc_ndarray_sparse( a_shape, b_shape, a_data, a_indices, a_indptr, b ): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in one `GCXS` and one ``ndarray`` and calculating their dot product: a @ b for a with compressed columns. Returns a sparse result. Parameters ---------- a_data, a_indices, a_indptr : np.ndarray The data, indices, and index pointers of ``a``. b : np.ndarray The second input array ``b``. a_shape, b_shape : Tuple[int] The shapes of the input arrays. """ indptr = np.empty(b_shape[1] + 1, dtype=np.intp) nnz = _csc_ndarray_count_nnz(a_shape, b_shape, indptr, a_indices, a_indptr, b) indices = np.empty(nnz, dtype=np.intp) data = np.empty(nnz, dtype=dtr) sums = np.zeros(a_shape[0]) mask = np.full(a_shape[0], -1) nnz = 0 for i in range(b_shape[1]): head = -2 length = 0 for j in range(b_shape[0]): u = b[j, i] if u != 0: for k in range(a_indptr[j], a_indptr[j + 1]): ind = a_indices[k] v = a_data[k] sums[ind] += u * v if mask[ind] == -1: mask[ind] = head head = ind length += 1 start = nnz for _ in range(length): if sums[head] != 0: indices[nnz] = head data[nnz] = sums[head] nnz += 1 temp = head head = mask[head] mask[temp] = -1 sums[temp] = 0 return data, indices, indptr return _dot_csc_ndarray_sparse @_memoize_dtype def _dot_csc_ndarray_type(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_csc_ndarray( a_shape, b_shape, a_data, a_indices, a_indptr, b ): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in one `GCXS` and one ``ndarray`` and calculating their dot product: a @ b for a with compressed columns. Returns a dense result. Parameters ---------- a_data, a_indices, a_indptr : np.ndarray The data, indices, and index pointers of ``a``. b : np.ndarray The second input array ``b``. a_shape, b_shape : Tuple[int] The shapes of the input arrays. """ out = np.zeros((a_shape[0], b_shape[1]), dtype=dtr) for j in range(b_shape[1]): for i in range(b_shape[0]): for k in range(a_indptr[i], a_indptr[i + 1]): out[a_indices[k], j] += a_data[k] * b[i, j] return out return _dot_csc_ndarray @_memoize_dtype def _dot_ndarray_csc_type(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_ndarray_csc(out_shape, b_data, b_indices, b_indptr, a): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in one `ndarray` and one ``GCXS`` and calculating their dot product: a @ b for b with compressed columns. Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray The input array ``a``. b_data, b_indices, b_indptr : np.ndarray The data, indices, and index pointers of ``b``. out_shape : Tuple[int] The shape of the output array. """ out = np.empty(out_shape, dtype=dtr) for i in range(out_shape[0]): for j in range(out_shape[1]): total = 0 for k in range(b_indptr[j], b_indptr[j + 1]): total += a[i, b_indices[k]] * b_data[k] out[i, j] = total return out return _dot_ndarray_csc @_memoize_dtype def _dot_coo_coo_type(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_coo_coo( out_shape, a_coords, b_coords, a_data, b_data, a_indptr, b_indptr ): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in two ``COO`` objects and calculating their dot product: a @ b. Parameters ---------- a_shape, b_shape : tuple The shapes of the input arrays. a_data, a_coords : np.ndarray The data and coordinates of ``a``. b_data, b_coords : np.ndarray The data and coordinates of ``b``. """ # much of this is borrowed from: # n_row, n_col = out_shape # calculate nnz before multiplying so we can use static arrays nnz = _csr_csr_count_nnz( out_shape, a_coords[1], b_coords[1], a_indptr, b_indptr ) coords = np.empty((2, nnz), dtype=np.intp) data = np.empty(nnz, dtype=dtr) next_ = np.full(n_col, -1) sums = np.zeros(n_col, dtype=dtr) nnz = 0 for i in range(n_row): head = -2 length = 0 next_[:] = -1 for j, av in zip( a_coords[1, a_indptr[i] : a_indptr[i + 1]], a_data[a_indptr[i] : a_indptr[i + 1]], ): for k, bv in zip( b_coords[1, b_indptr[j] : b_indptr[j + 1]], b_data[b_indptr[j] : b_indptr[j + 1]], ): sums[k] += av * bv if next_[k] == -1: next_[k] = head head = k length += 1 start = nnz for _ in range(length): if next_[head] != -1: coords[0, nnz] = i coords[1, nnz] = head data[nnz] = sums[head] nnz += 1 temp = head head = next_[head] next_[temp] = -1 sums[temp] = 0 return coords, data return _dot_coo_coo @_memoize_dtype def _dot_coo_ndarray_type(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def _dot_coo_ndarray(coords1, data1, array2, out_shape): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in one `COO` and one ``ndarray`` and calculating a "sense" of their dot product. Acually computes ``s1 @ x2.T``. Parameters ---------- data1, coords1 : np.ndarray The data and coordinates of ``s1``. array2 : np.ndarray The second input array ``x2``. out_shape : Tuple[int] The output shape. """ out = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=dtr) didx1 = 0 while didx1 < len(data1): oidx1 = coords1[0, didx1] didx1_curr = didx1 for oidx2 in range(out_shape[1]): didx1 = didx1_curr while didx1 < len(data1) and coords1[0, didx1] == oidx1: out[oidx1, oidx2] += data1[didx1] * array2[oidx2, coords1[1, didx1]] didx1 += 1 return out return _dot_coo_ndarray @_memoize_dtype def _dot_coo_ndarray_type_sparse(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_coo_ndarray(coords1, data1, array2, out_shape): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in one `COO` and one ``ndarray`` and calculating a "sense" of their dot product. Acually computes ``s1 @ x2.T``. Parameters ---------- data1, coords1 : np.ndarray The data and coordinates of ``s1``. array2 : np.ndarray The second input array ``x2``. out_shape : Tuple[int] The output shape. """ out_data = [] out_coords = [] # coords1.shape = (2, len(data1)) # coords1[0, :] = rows, sorted # coords1[1, :] = columns didx1 = 0 while didx1 < len(data1): current_row = coords1[0, didx1] cur_didx1 = didx1 oidx2 = 0 while oidx2 < out_shape[1]: cur_didx1 = didx1 data_curr = 0 while cur_didx1 < len(data1) and coords1[0, cur_didx1] == current_row: data_curr += data1[cur_didx1] * array2[oidx2, coords1[1, cur_didx1]] cur_didx1 += 1 if data_curr != 0: out_data.append(data_curr) out_coords.append((current_row, oidx2)) oidx2 += 1 didx1 = cur_didx1 if len(out_data) == 0: return np.empty((2, 0), dtype=np.intp), np.empty((0,), dtype=dtr) return np.array(out_coords).T, np.array(out_data) return _dot_coo_ndarray @_memoize_dtype def _dot_ndarray_coo_type(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def _dot_ndarray_coo(array1, coords2, data2, out_shape): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in two one ``ndarray`` and one ``COO`` and calculating a "sense" of their dot product. Acually computes ``x1 @ s2.T``. Parameters ---------- array1 : np.ndarray The input array ``x1``. data2, coords2 : np.ndarray The data and coordinates of ``s2``. out_shape : Tuple[int] The output shape. """ out = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=dtr) for oidx1 in range(out_shape[0]): for didx2 in range(len(data2)): oidx2 = coords2[1, didx2] out[oidx1, oidx2] += array1[oidx1, coords2[0, didx2]] * data2[didx2] return out return _dot_ndarray_coo @_memoize_dtype def _dot_ndarray_coo_type_sparse(dt1, dt2): dtr = _dot_dtype(dt1, dt2) @numba.jit( nopython=True, nogil=True, locals={"data_curr":}, ) def _dot_ndarray_coo(array1, coords2, data2, out_shape): # pragma: no cover """ Utility function taking in two one ``ndarray`` and one ``COO`` and calculating a "sense" of their dot product. Acually computes ``x1 @ s2.T``. Parameters ---------- array1 : np.ndarray The input array ``x1``. data2, coords2 : np.ndarray The data and coordinates of ``s2``. out_shape : Tuple[int] The output shape. """ out_data = [] out_coords = [] # coords2.shape = (2, len(data2)) # coords2[0, :] = columns, sorted # coords2[1, :] = rows for oidx1 in range(out_shape[0]): data_curr = 0 current_col = 0 for didx2 in range(len(data2)): if coords2[0, didx2] != current_col: if data_curr != 0: out_data.append(data_curr) out_coords.append([oidx1, current_col]) data_curr = 0 current_col = coords2[0, didx2] data_curr += array1[oidx1, coords2[1, didx2]] * data2[didx2] if data_curr != 0: out_data.append(data_curr) out_coords.append([oidx1, current_col]) if len(out_data) == 0: return np.empty((2, 0), dtype=np.intp), np.empty((0,), dtype=dtr) return np.array(out_coords).T, np.array(out_data) return _dot_ndarray_coo def _einsum_single(lhs, rhs, operand): """Perform a single term einsum, i.e. any combination of transposes, sums and traces of dimensions. Parameters ---------- lhs : str The indices of the input array. rhs : str The indices of the output array. operand : SparseArray The array to perform the einsum on. Returns ------- output : SparseArray """ from ._coo import COO if lhs == rhs: if not rhs: # ensure scalar output return operand.sum() return operand if not isinstance(operand, SparseArray): # just use numpy for dense input return np.einsum(f"{lhs}->{rhs}", operand) # else require COO for operations, but check if should convert back to_output_format = getattr(operand, "from_coo", lambda x: x) operand = asCOO(operand) # check if repeated / 'trace' indices mean we are only taking a subset where = {} for i, ix in enumerate(lhs): where.setdefault(ix, []).append(i) selector = None for ix, locs in where.items(): loc0, *rlocs = locs if rlocs: # repeated index if len({operand.shape[loc] for loc in locs}) > 1: raise ValueError("Repeated indices must have the same dimension.") # only select data where all indices match subselector = (operand.coords[loc0] == operand.coords[rlocs]).all(axis=0) if selector is None: selector = subselector else: selector &= subselector # indices that are removed (i.e. not in the output / `perm`) # are handled by `has_duplicates=True` below perm = [lhs.index(ix) for ix in rhs] new_shape = tuple(operand.shape[i] for i in perm) # select the new COO data if selector is not None: new_coords = operand.coords[:, selector][perm] new_data =[selector] else: new_coords = operand.coords[perm] new_data = if not rhs: # scalar output - match numpy behaviour by not wrapping as array return new_data.sum() return to_output_format( COO(new_coords, new_data, shape=new_shape, has_duplicates=True) )
[docs]def einsum(subscripts, *operands): """ Perform the equivalent of :obj:`numpy.einsum`. Parameters ---------- subscripts : str Specifies the subscripts for summation as comma separated list of subscript labels. An implicit (classical Einstein summation) calculation is performed unless the explicit indicator '->' is included as well as subscript labels of the precise output form. operands : sequence of SparseArray These are the arrays for the operation. Returns ------- output : SparseArray The calculation based on the Einstein summation convention. """ check_zero_fill_value(*operands) if "->" not in subscripts: # from opt_einsum: calc the output automatically lhs = subscripts tmp_subscripts = lhs.replace(",", "") rhs = "".join( # sorted sequence of indices s for s in sorted(set(tmp_subscripts)) # that appear exactly once if tmp_subscripts.count(s) == 1 ) else: lhs, rhs = subscripts.split("->") if len(operands) == 1: return _einsum_single(lhs, rhs, operands[0]) # if multiple arrays: align, broadcast multiply and then use single einsum # for example: # "aab,cbd->dac" # we first perform single term reductions and align: # aab -> ab.. # cbd -> .bcd # (where dots represent broadcastable size 1 dimensions), then multiply all # to form the 'minimal outer product' and do a final single term einsum: # abcd -> dac # get ordered union of indices from all terms, indicies that only appear # on a single term will be removed in the 'preparation' step below terms = lhs.split(",") total = {} sizes = {} for t, term in enumerate(terms): shape = operands[t].shape for ix, d in zip(term, shape): if d != sizes.setdefault(ix, d): raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent shape for index '{ix}'.") total.setdefault(ix, set()).add(t) for ix in rhs: total[ix].add(-1) aligned_term = "".join(ix for ix, apps in total.items() if len(apps) > 1) # NB: if every index appears exactly twice, # we could identify and dispatch to tensordot here? parrays = [] for term, array in zip(terms, operands): # calc the target indices for this term pterm = "".join(ix for ix in aligned_term if ix in term) if pterm != term: # perform necessary transpose and reductions array = _einsum_single(term, pterm, array) # calc broadcastable shape shape = tuple( array.shape[pterm.index(ix)] if ix in pterm else 1 for ix in aligned_term ) parrays.append(array.reshape(shape) if array.shape != shape else array) aligned_array = reduce(mul, parrays) return _einsum_single(aligned_term, rhs, aligned_array)
[docs]def stack(arrays, axis=0, compressed_axes=None): """ Stack the input arrays along the given dimension. Parameters ---------- arrays : Iterable[SparseArray] The input arrays to stack. axis : int, optional The axis along which to stack the input arrays. compressed_axes : iterable, optional The axes to compress if returning a GCXS array. Returns ------- SparseArray The output stacked array. Raises ------ ValueError If all elements of :code:`arrays` don't have the same fill-value. See Also -------- numpy.stack : NumPy equivalent function """ from ._compressed import GCXS if not all(isinstance(arr, GCXS) for arr in arrays): from ._coo import stack as coo_stack return coo_stack(arrays, axis) else: from ._compressed import stack as gcxs_stack return gcxs_stack(arrays, axis, compressed_axes)
[docs]def concatenate(arrays, axis=0, compressed_axes=None): """ Concatenate the input arrays along the given dimension. Parameters ---------- arrays : Iterable[SparseArray] The input arrays to concatenate. axis : int, optional The axis along which to concatenate the input arrays. The default is zero. compressed_axes : iterable, optional The axes to compress if returning a GCXS array. Returns ------- SparseArray The output concatenated array. Raises ------ ValueError If all elements of :code:`arrays` don't have the same fill-value. See Also -------- numpy.concatenate : NumPy equivalent function """ from ._compressed import GCXS if not all(isinstance(arr, GCXS) for arr in arrays): from ._coo import concatenate as coo_concat return coo_concat(arrays, axis) else: from ._compressed import concatenate as gcxs_concat return gcxs_concat(arrays, axis, compressed_axes)
[docs]def eye(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=float, format="coo", **kwargs): """Return a 2-D array in the specified format with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of rows in the output. M : int, optional Number of columns in the output. If None, defaults to `N`. k : int, optional Index of the diagonal: 0 (the default) refers to the main diagonal, a positive value refers to an upper diagonal, and a negative value to a lower diagonal. dtype : data-type, optional Data-type of the returned array. format : str, optional A format string. Returns ------- I : SparseArray of shape (N, M) An array where all elements are equal to zero, except for the `k`-th diagonal, whose values are equal to one. Examples -------- >>> eye(2, dtype=int).todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> eye(3, k=1).todense() # doctest: +SKIP array([[0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 0.]]) """ from ._coo import COO if M is None: M = N N = int(N) M = int(M) k = int(k) data_length = min(N, M) if k > 0: data_length = max(min(data_length, M - k), 0) n_coords = np.arange(data_length, dtype=np.intp) m_coords = n_coords + k elif k < 0: data_length = max(min(data_length, N + k), 0) m_coords = np.arange(data_length, dtype=np.intp) n_coords = m_coords - k else: n_coords = m_coords = np.arange(data_length, dtype=np.intp) coords = np.stack([n_coords, m_coords]) data = np.array(1, dtype=dtype) return COO( coords, data=data, shape=(N, M), has_duplicates=False, sorted=True ).asformat(format, **kwargs)
[docs]def full(shape, fill_value, dtype=None, format="coo", order="C", **kwargs): """Return a SparseArray of given shape and type, filled with `fill_value`. Parameters ---------- shape : int or tuple of ints Shape of the new array, e.g., ``(2, 3)`` or ``2``. fill_value : scalar Fill value. dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array. The default, `None`, means `np.array(fill_value).dtype`. format : str, optional A format string. compressed_axes : iterable, optional The axes to compress if returning a GCXS array. order : {'C', None} Values except these are not currently supported and raise a NotImplementedError. Returns ------- out : SparseArray Array of `fill_value` with the given shape and dtype. Examples -------- >>> full(5, 9).todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([9, 9, 9, 9, 9]) >>> full((2, 2), 9, dtype=float).todense() # doctest: +SKIP array([[9., 9.], [9., 9.]]) """ from sparse import COO if dtype is None: dtype = np.array(fill_value).dtype if not isinstance(shape, tuple): shape = (shape,) if order not in {"C", None}: raise NotImplementedError("Currently, only 'C' and None are supported.") data = np.empty(0, dtype=dtype) coords = np.empty((len(shape), 0), dtype=np.intp) return COO( coords, data=data, shape=shape, fill_value=fill_value, has_duplicates=False, sorted=True, ).asformat(format, **kwargs)
[docs]def full_like(a, fill_value, dtype=None, shape=None, format=None, **kwargs): """Return a full array with the same shape and type as a given array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data-type of the result will match those of `a`. dtype : data-type, optional Overrides the data type of the result. format : str, optional A format string. compressed_axes : iterable, optional The axes to compress if returning a GCXS array. Returns ------- out : SparseArray Array of `fill_value` with the same shape and type as `a`. Examples -------- >>> x = np.ones((2, 3), dtype='i8') >>> full_like(x, 9.0).todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[9, 9, 9], [9, 9, 9]]) """ if format is None and not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): format = type(a).__name__.lower() elif format is None: format = "coo" compressed_axes = kwargs.pop("compressed_axes", None) if hasattr(a, "compressed_axes") and compressed_axes is None: compressed_axes = a.compressed_axes return full( a.shape if shape is None else shape, fill_value, dtype=(a.dtype if dtype is None else dtype), format=format, **kwargs, )
[docs]def zeros(shape, dtype=float, format="coo", **kwargs): """Return a SparseArray of given shape and type, filled with zeros. Parameters ---------- shape : int or tuple of ints Shape of the new array, e.g., ``(2, 3)`` or ``2``. dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array, e.g., `numpy.int8`. Default is `numpy.float64`. format : str, optional A format string. compressed_axes : iterable, optional The axes to compress if returning a GCXS array. Returns ------- out : SparseArray Array of zeros with the given shape and dtype. Examples -------- >>> zeros(5).todense() # doctest: +SKIP array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> zeros((2, 2), dtype=int).todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[0, 0], [0, 0]]) """ return full(shape, 0, np.dtype(dtype)).asformat(format, **kwargs)
[docs]def zeros_like(a, dtype=None, shape=None, format=None, **kwargs): """Return a SparseArray of zeros with the same shape and type as ``a``. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data-type of the result will match those of `a`. dtype : data-type, optional Overrides the data type of the result. format : str, optional A format string. compressed_axes : iterable, optional The axes to compress if returning a GCXS array. Returns ------- out : SparseArray Array of zeros with the same shape and type as `a`. Examples -------- >>> x = np.ones((2, 3), dtype='i8') >>> zeros_like(x).todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) """ return full_like(a, 0, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, format=format, **kwargs)
[docs]def ones(shape, dtype=float, format="coo", **kwargs): """Return a SparseArray of given shape and type, filled with ones. Parameters ---------- shape : int or tuple of ints Shape of the new array, e.g., ``(2, 3)`` or ``2``. dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array, e.g., `numpy.int8`. Default is `numpy.float64`. format : str, optional A format string. compressed_axes : iterable, optional The axes to compress if returning a GCXS array. Returns ------- out : SparseArray Array of ones with the given shape and dtype. Examples -------- >>> ones(5).todense() # doctest: +SKIP array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) >>> ones((2, 2), dtype=int).todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]) """ return full(shape, 1, np.dtype(dtype)).asformat(format, **kwargs)
[docs]def ones_like(a, dtype=None, shape=None, format=None, **kwargs): """Return a SparseArray of ones with the same shape and type as ``a``. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data-type of the result will match those of `a`. dtype : data-type, optional Overrides the data type of the result. format : str, optional A format string. compressed_axes : iterable, optional The axes to compress if returning a GCXS array. Returns ------- out : SparseArray Array of ones with the same shape and type as `a`. Examples -------- >>> x = np.ones((2, 3), dtype='i8') >>> ones_like(x).todense() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) """ return full_like(a, 1, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, format=format, **kwargs)
[docs]def outer(a, b, out=None): """ Return outer product of two sparse arrays. Parameters ---------- a, b : sparse.SparseArray The input arrays. out : sparse.SparseArray The output array. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import sparse >>> a = sparse.COO(np.arange(4)) >>> o = sparse.outer(a, a) >>> o.todense() array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 4, 6], [0, 3, 6, 9]]) """ from ._sparse_array import SparseArray from ._coo import COO if isinstance(a, SparseArray): a = COO(a) if isinstance(b, SparseArray): b = COO(b) return np.multiply.outer(a.flatten(), b.flatten(), out=out)
def asnumpy(a, dtype=None, order=None): """Returns a dense numpy array from an arbitrary source array. Args: a: Arbitrary object that can be converted to :class:`numpy.ndarray`. order ({'C', 'F', 'A'}): The desired memory layout of the output array. When ``order`` is 'A', it uses 'F' if ``a`` is fortran-contiguous and 'C' otherwise. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Converted array on the host memory. """ from ._sparse_array import SparseArray if isinstance(a, SparseArray): a = a.todense() return np.array(a, dtype=dtype, copy=False, order=order) # this code was taken from numpy.moveaxis # (cf. numpy/core/, lines 1340-1409, v1.18.4) #
[docs]def moveaxis(a, source, destination): """ Move axes of an array to new positions. Other axes remain in their original order. Parameters ---------- a : SparseArray The array whose axes should be reordered. source : int or List[int] Original positions of the axes to move. These must be unique. destination : int or List[int] Destination positions for each of the original axes. These must also be unique. Returns ------- SparseArray Array with moved axes. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import sparse >>> x = sparse.COO.from_numpy(np.ones((2, 3, 4, 5))) >>> sparse.moveaxis(x, (0, 1), (2, 3)) <COO: shape=(4, 5, 2, 3), dtype=float64, nnz=120, fill_value=0.0> """ if not isinstance(source, Iterable): source = (source,) if not isinstance(destination, Iterable): destination = (destination,) source = normalize_axis(source, a.ndim) destination = normalize_axis(destination, a.ndim) if len(source) != len(destination): raise ValueError( "`source` and `destination` arguments must have " "the same number of elements" ) order = [n for n in range(a.ndim) if n not in source] for dest, src in sorted(zip(destination, source)): order.insert(dest, src) result = a.transpose(order) return result
[docs]def pad(array, pad_width, mode="constant", **kwargs): """ Performs the equivalent of :obj:`numpy.pad` for :obj:`SparseArray`. Note that this function returns a new array instead of a view. Parameters ---------- array : SparseArray Sparse array which is to be padded. pad_width : {sequence, array_like, int} Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. ((before_1, after_1), … (before_N, after_N)) unique pad widths for each axis. ((before, after),) yields same before and after pad for each axis. (pad,) or int is a shortcut for before = after = pad width for all axes. mode : str Pads to a constant value which is fill value. Currently only constant mode is implemented constant_values : int The values to set the padded values for each axis. Default is 0. This must be same as fill value. Returns ------- SparseArray The padded sparse array. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If mode != 'constant' or there are unknown arguments. ValueError If constant_values != self.fill_value See Also -------- :obj:`numpy.pad` : NumPy equivalent function """ if not isinstance(array, SparseArray): raise NotImplementedError("Input array is not compatible.") if mode.lower() != "constant": raise NotImplementedError(f"Mode '{mode}' is not yet supported.") if not equivalent( kwargs.pop("constant_values", _zero_of_dtype(array.dtype)), array.fill_value ): raise ValueError("constant_values can only be equal to fill value.") if kwargs: raise NotImplementedError("Additional Unknown arguments present.") from ._coo import COO array = array.asformat("coo") pad_width = np.broadcast_to(pad_width, (len(array.shape), 2)) new_coords = array.coords + pad_width[:, 0:1] new_shape = tuple( [ array.shape[i] + pad_width[i, 0] + pad_width[i, 1] for i in range(len(array.shape)) ] ) new_data = return COO(new_coords, new_data, new_shape, fill_value=array.fill_value)
def format_to_string(format): if isinstance(format, type): if not issubclass(format, SparseArray): raise ValueError(f"invalid format: {format}") format = format.__name__.lower() if isinstance(format, str): return format raise ValueError(f"invalid format: {format}")